快来玩乐这款乐高®哈利·波特 75965 伏地魔重生套装,这里充满了魔法、冒险和动作。在《哈利·波特与火焰杯》的这一标志性场景中,哈利被困在汤姆·里德尔的墓碑上,而狡诈的小矮星彼得正在混合药水。拉动积木控制杆后,伏地魔会神奇地出现,并召唤一个食死徒。把哈利从墓碑上释放出来,然后他们开始决斗。这款超酷的儿童礼物充满了咒语、惊喜和壮观的战斗,所以小巫师们需要施展他们的黑魔法防御技能,帮助哈利逃脱!
让伏地魔恢复自己的魔法,然后帮助哈利逃脱他的魔掌!小矮星彼得帮助伏地魔把哈利·波特运送到一个令人毛骨悚然的墓地,并将三强争霸赛奖杯用作门钥匙,把哈利困在汤姆·里德尔 (Tom Riddle) 的墓碑上。在药剂锅中混合出药水,然后拉动积木控制杆,伏地魔立刻就会出现!哈利能够逃出黑魔头和他忠诚的食死徒的魔爪吗?当你重现这个源自《哈利·波特与火焰杯》的惊心动魄的场景时,一切都由你来决定!
There’s magic, adventure and action with LEGO® Harry Potter™ 75965 The Rise of Voldemort™. In this iconic scene from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire™, Harry is trapped on Tom Riddle’s tombstone in a spooky graveyard while the deceitful Peter Pettigrew mixes a potion. Voldemort magically appears with the pull of a brick lever and summons a Death Eater™. After releasing Harry from the tombstone, they start to duel. This awesome gift for kids is full of spells, surprises and spectacular battles—so young witches and wizards will need all their Defense Against the Dark Arts skills to help Harry escape!