拼搭这款极为精致的乐高机械组 42098 汽车运输车玩具,让年轻的乐高®拼搭者们了解工程基础知识。这款复刻版模型拥有一系列逼真的特性和功能,适于长时间的游戏和设计探索。可以升高和降低货台和后部坡道,以便将汽车无缝引导至上层和底层,然后将这些汽车锁定到位,便于安全运输,还可以倾斜驾驶室,观赏精致的 V6 发动机,其配有移动式活塞。这款包含 2493 块积木颗粒的拼搭套装还包括一辆蓝色汽车,拥有可工作的转向功能和 V8 活塞发动机,并在尺寸上与乐高®机械组 42093 Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 跑车(单独出售)兼容。本套装拥有一系列采用经典的黄、灰、黑三色配色方案的贴纸,可用来增添更多细节。可将这款 2 合 1 车辆运输车重新拼搭为乐高机械组卡车和展示汽车。
- 这辆汽车运输车拥有可调节的载货台和后部坡道,便于汽车装卸;在运输过程中确保车辆安全的锁具;以及一个可倾斜的驾驶室,可以观赏精致的 V6 发动机,其配有移动式活塞。
- 本套装还包括一辆蓝色汽车,拥有可工作的转向功能和 V8 活塞发动机。
- 这款汽车运输车采用经典的黄、灰、黑三色配色方案,还配有一系列贴纸,可用来增添更多细节。
- 降下货台,把汽车开上去,然后使用运输锁将它们锁定,就可以出发了!
- 通过这款乐高®机械组玩具卡车套装向乐高拼搭者们介绍工程基础知识。
- 拥有仿真的特性和功能,适于长时间的游戏和设计探索。
- 此汽车运输车玩具在尺寸上与乐高®机械组 42093 Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 跑车兼容,可提供更多玩乐机会。
- 汽车运输车尺寸:高 22 厘米(8 英寸)、长 86 厘米(33 英寸)和宽 13 厘米(5 英寸)。
- 蓝色汽车尺寸:高 8 厘米(3 英寸)、长 27 厘米(10 英寸)和宽 12 厘米(4 英寸)。
- 乐高机械组卡车与展示车尺寸:高 14 厘米(5 英寸)、长 87 厘米(34 英寸)和宽 15 厘米(5 英寸)。
Build and explore the realistic detailing of the LEGO® Technic™ Car Transporter!
Introduce young LEGO® builders to the basics of engineering with this highly detailed LEGO Technic™ 42098 Car Transporter toy. This authentic replica model comes with a host of realistic features and functions for hours of play and design exploration. You can raise and lower the car decks and rear ramp for seamless navigation to the upper and lower levels, lock vehicles into position for safe transportation, and tilt the driver's cab to access a detailed V6 engine with moving pistons. This 2,493-piece building set also includes a blue car with working steering and V8 piston engine and is compatible in scale with the 42093 Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 (sold separately). It comes with a classic red, gray and black color scheme with stickers for additional detailing. Rebuild this 2-in-1 vehicle transporter to create the LEGO Technic Truck and Show Cars model.
- Car Transporter features adjustable car decks and rear ramp for loading and unloading, lock for securing vehicles during transportation and a tilting driver’s cab that gives access to a detailed V6 engine with moving pistons.
- Also includes a blue car with working steering and V8 piston engine.
- Car Transporter comes with a classic red, gray and black color scheme, plus a sticker sheet for additional detailing.
- Lower the deck, drive on board, apply the transportation lock and you're ready to roll!
- This LEGO® Technic™ toy truck set introduces LEGO builders to the basics of engineering.
- Realistic features and functions for hours of play and design exploration.
- This Car Transporter toy is compatible in scale the LEGO® Technic™ 42093 Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 for extended play opportunities.
- Car Transporter measures over 8” (22cm) high, 33” (86cm) long and 5” (13cm) wide.
- Blue car measures over 3” (8cm) high, 10” (27cm) long and 4” (12cm) wide.
- LEGO® Technic™ Truck and Show Cars measures over 5” (14 cm) high, 34” (87 cm) long and 5” (15 cm) wide.
汽车运输车(Car Transporter)属于机械组系列积木套组,整个套组包含 2493 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 42098 首发于2019年,之后被宇星模王MouldKing等国产积木品牌所复刻。