I'm pleased to present the Moderately Sized ISD (a/k/a the ISD Aggressor or the "mini-Tyrant"). It's an ISD MOC that attempts to maximize exterior detail, interior detail, and playability.
- 15310 parts
- Instructions are step-by-step, professional-quality pdfs. There are eight volumes totaling 1291 pages.
- Interior includes bridge, barracks, canteen, conference room, and more.
- Hangar carries two folding TIE Fighters.
- Press a button to launch probe droids.
- Turbolasers rotate in unison by turning one of the main engines.
- Model features an original structure and design (NOT based on set 10030).
- Easy to remove top panels for (relatively) quick access to the interior
- Weight: ~27 lbs (12.25 kgs)
- Length: ~37 inches (94 cm) (i.e., approximately the same length as set 10030)
Model by Raskolnikov (Doomhandle)
Instructions by Legolijntje
NOTE: This model is intended for very advanced and patient builders. If you attempt it, please take your time and check your work at each step. Small mistakes during the building process could result in significant issues (i.e., modules not fitting together properly) later on.
Due to the size of the build and the length of the instructions, we also cannot guarantee that the build is error free. We have done our best, but please let us know if you have any feedback or if you run into any issues. If you have a question about a specific part of the build, taking a picture would be really helpful.
We will attempt to update the instructions periodically. If you purchase the instructions, links to any updated versions will be emailed to your paypal email address.
This took a lot of work, we hope you enjoy it :)
- August 5, 2017: Version 1.1 of the instructions uploaded. Parts list changes: two lbg 1x1 round plates replaced with two lbg 1x1 round plates with hole [part 85861], one lbg 1x1 tile removed.
- August 7, 2017: Version 1.2.1 uploaded. Parts list changes: Thirty-six lbg 1x2 tiles replaced with lbg 1x2 grilles, two lbg 2x2 turntable bases changed to black for cost reasons, two lbg 3L bars added.
- August 22, 2017: Version 1.3.1 uploaded. No significant parts list changes.