当你把一辆旧式伦敦巴士和一座玩偶屋及些许好朋友魔法混合在一起时,会得到什么?乐高®好朋友友谊巴士 (41395)。启发渴望旅行的孩子探索新维度。这款玩具巴士包含他们所有的装备(包括网球拍和网!)以及他们最要好朋友的最重要的旅行物品!
- 玩乐这款乐高好朋友套装,让富有创意的孩子开启冒险之旅。登上这辆功能丰富的迷你小人仔巴士,他们会发现无尽的过家家游戏选项。
- 这款玩具巴士套装包含乐高®好朋友 Stephanie、Mia 和 Olivia 迷你小人仔。富有创意的孩子在帮助来自心湖城的女孩探索有趣的功能和迷你小人仔配件的过程中,可以释放自己的想象力。
- 孩子们可以想象,在卧室中与好朋友们一起入睡,使用绞车牵引受损的车辆,在车内泳池里游泳,或者在顶层甲板上眺望星星,滑回甲板即可来到迷你小人仔的床铺。
- 对于 8 岁以上喜爱奇特玩具汽车而缺乏拼搭经验的孩子,这款乐高好朋友巴士 (41395) 可作为一份很棒的生日礼物。这是一款富有激发性的模型,当它拼搭完成时,能够带来一种自豪感。
- 这辆巴士包含许多迷你小人仔配件,但其尺寸为:高 14 厘米(5 英寸)和宽 30 厘米(11 英寸),故此它可以与任何其他乐高®组件包装在一起。所有乐高套装都与这款有趣的玩具匹配!
- 动态玩乐属于旅程的一部分。这款儿童玩具巴士可不是静态的模型,它拥有真正可以转动的轮子。但无需电池——这款乐高®好朋友巴士由想象力提供动力。
- 这款巴士玩具套装附有简易的拼搭说明,故此,即使没有接触过乐高®套装和拼搭,您的孩子也能即刻体验到进行冒险角色扮演的乐趣!
- 自 1958 年以来,乐高®积木一直符合最高行业标准,以确保所有积木均一致、匹配,且它们之间的连接像乐高心湖城的友谊一样紧密。
- 在乐高集团,我们对乐高®积木和组件进行跌落、挤压、扭曲、加热、弯曲、划痕和拉伸测试,以确保每件乐高®儿童拼搭套装均符合全球最高安全和质量标准。
- Let creative kids embark on a journey of adventure with this LEGO® Friends set. Aboard this feature-packed mini-doll bus they will discover endless imaginative play options thanks to its many cool features and accessories.
- This toy bus comes with LEGO® Friends Stephanie, Mia and Olivia mini-dolls. Creative kids can expand their imaginations as they help the girls from Heartlake City explore the fun features and mini-doll accessories.
- Kids can imagine bunking up with buddies in the bedrooms, towing stricken vehicles with a winch, paddling in the onboard pool or stargazing from the top deck, which slides back to give access to the mini-doll beds.
- This LEGO® Friends Bus (41395) makes a great birthday gift for kids aged 8+ who love quirky toy vehicles and have a little building experience. This is a stimulating build and will give a sense of pride when it’s complete.
- This bus come with lots of mini-doll accessories but because it measures around 5” (14cm) high and 11” (30cm) wide, it can fit any other LEGO® pieces kids want to pack. All LEGO sets are compatible with this fun toy!
- Dynamic play is part of the ride. Far from being a static bus model, this kid’s toy bus has wheels that really turn. But no batteries are needed – this LEGO® Friends bus is powered by imagination.
- This bus playset comes with easy-to-follow instructions, so even if your kid’s new to LEGO® sets and building, they’ll be on the road to role-play adventures in no time at all!
- Inspire kids to embark on a Heartlake City adventure, where they’ll find they can explore horizons and interests new with their besties by their side.
- Ever since 1958, LEGO® bricks have met the highest industry standards, ensuring they are consistent and compatible with connections as strong as any LEGO Heartlake City friendship.
- At The LEGO Group, we drop, squash, twist, heat, bend, scratch and stretch LEGO® bricks and pieces to make sure every LEGO building set for kids meets the highest global safety and quality standards.
友谊巴士(Friendship Bus)属于好朋友系列积木套组,整个套组包含 778 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 41395 首发于2020年,之后被乐翼LARI/博乐BELA、乐多LEDUO、无牌等国产积木品牌所复刻。