这辆包含 5 个小人仔的雷霆突击战车 (71699) 是一款很酷的玩具,非常适合喜爱忍者机甲和车辆的孩子。这是一款 2 合 1 冒险玩具,展示了一个充满玩乐可能的世界。孩子们可以拼搭这辆巨型战车,然后选择从战车后部拆下机甲,并通过每人玩一个忍者玩具的方式,与朋友们一起玩乐。
孩子们可以通过拼搭这款很酷的 Legacy 忍者机甲玩具套装来庆祝乐高幻影忍者的丰富历史,本动作玩具为电视剧第 3 季中相应模型的升级版。孩子们可以重现忍者与 Overlord 和忍者战士之间的经典战斗。
- 乐高®幻影忍者 Legacy 雷霆突击战车 2 合 1 动作玩具可以在从后部拆下强大的忍者机甲之前,拼搭为一辆巨型机车。孩子们喜欢上这款乐高玩具所带来的充满可能性的世界。
- 这款忍者玩具套装包含一辆幻影忍者车辆,载有可拆卸的忍者机甲,还有 5 个小人仔:Jay、Cole、Lloyd、Overlord 和忍者机器人战士。孩子们会充满激情地围绕这些忍者可动人偶来创造故事。
- 拆下乐高®幻影忍者机甲,露出两枚导弹。机甲每个手臂上都配有一个弹簧发射器,随时准备开火,而忍者可动人偶配备一系列武器:Lloyd 配有一把银色的武士刀,Overlord 配有一个链锯。
- 这款忍者玩具包含 576 块积木颗粒,能够为 8 岁以上的男孩和女孩带来有趣的拼搭任务,可作为很棒的圣诞节礼物或适合任何场合的乐高®礼物。这款玩具套装启发孩子与他们最喜爱的忍者一起进行富有想象力的游戏。
- 乐高®幻影忍者动作玩具的尺寸非常适合在家中玩乐,或随身携带,在路途中体验乐趣。这款忍者模型的尺寸为:高 15 厘米(5 英寸)、长 14 厘米(5 英寸)和宽 16 厘米(6 英寸)。
- 这款冒险主题的拼搭套装无需电池,由孩子们对幻影忍者的热爱和对重现有趣场景的渴望所驱动。Overlord 没有躲避忍者战士的机会了。
- 正在为小拼搭者寻找理想的乐高®礼物?那就是这款!这些拼搭积木附有简易的拼搭说明,有助于孩子快速轻松地玩乐这款忍者玩具套装。
- 乐高®幻影忍者冒险拼搭套装会把孩子带入一个充满动作的激动人心的世界,他们在那里可以围绕自己喜爱的忍者创造故事,对抗黑暗势力。
- 60 多年来,乐高®积木一直符合最高行业标准,以确保它们均一致、匹配,且每次都可以轻松拆解。乐高始终提供高品质产品,不论是在地球上还是在幻影忍者城市。
- 这些乐高®拼搭积木和组件经过严格的测试,均符合全球最高的安全和质量标准。乐高确保让孩子和成人对安全完全放心。
为2014年 乐高LEGO 70723 重新设计版。
The Thunder Raider (71699) with 5 minifigures is the perfect cool toy for kids who love Ninja Mechs and vehicles. This is a 2-in-1 adventure toy that presents a world of exciting play possibilities. Children can build the bulked-up vehicle and then choose to detach the mech from the back and share the fun with friends by playing with one ninja toy each.The perfect LEGO® gift for kidsKids can celebrate the rich history of LEGO NINJAGO® by building this cool Legacy ninja mech playset, whichis an upgraded version of the action toy from season 3 of the TV series. Kids can recreate famous battles between the ninjas and Overlord and the Nindroid Warrior.The best building toys for kidsLEGO NINJAGO ninja playsets let kids enter an action-packed fantasy world where they can indulge in imaginative play as the mini ninjas take on the forces of evil. Kids will be completely enthralled as they role-play with ninja builds, NINJAGO mechs, cars, dragons and temples.
- The LEGO® NINJAGO® Legacy Thunder Raider 2-in-1 action toy can be built into a bulked-up vehicle before detaching a powerful Ninja Mech from the back. Kids love the world of possibilities on offer with this LEGO toy.
- This ninja playset includes a NINJAGO® vehicle with detachable ninja mech and 5 minifigures: Jay, Cole, Lloyd, Overlord and Nindroid Warrior. Children will be thrilled to create stories with these ninja action figures.
- Detach the LEGO® NINJAGO® mech to reveal 2 missiles. The mech has a spring-shooter in each arm ready to fire and the ninja action figures have an array of weapons: Lloyd has a silver katana and Overlord has a chainsaw.
- This 576-piece ninja toy is a fun building task for boys and girls aged 8+ and makes a great Xmas gift or LEGO® gift for any occasion. The toy playset inspires kids to embrace imaginative play with their favorite ninjas.
- LEGO® NINJAGO® action toys are the perfect size to play with at home or take with you for fun on the go. Thisninja build is 5” (15cm) high, 5” (14cm) long and 6” (16cm) wide.
- No batteries are required for this adventure construction set – it’s fueled by kids’ love of NINJAGO ® and their desire to play out fun scenes. There is no time for the Overlord to hide from the ninja warriors!
- Looking for the ideal LEGO® gift for a young builder? Then this is it! The building bricks come with simple-to-follow instructions making it quick and easy to have your ninja playset ready for action.
- LEGO® NINJAGO® adventure construction sets provide kids with a gateway to an exciting world of fantasy action where they can create stories with their favorite ninjas as they take on the forces of darkness.
- LEGO® bricks have met the highest industry standards for more than 60 years, ensuring they are always consistent, and easily pull apart every time. LEGO bricks always deliver quality – on Earth or in NINJAGO® city!
- These LEGO® building bricks and pieces have been relentlessly tested and meet the highest global safety and quality standards. LEGO building kits guarantee peace of mind for kids and adults.
雷霆突击战车(Thunder Raider)属于幻影忍者系列积木套组,整个套组包含 576 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 71699 首发于2020年,之后被乐翼LARI、无牌等国产积木品牌所复刻。