- 包括一名巨轮越野车驾驶员小人仔。
- 该玩具包括一辆酷炫的巨轮越野车,配有巨型轮子、引擎盖上的进气口和工作悬架,还有一个可拼搭的坡道。
- 驾驶这辆巨轮越野车,飞离坡道,越过熊熊的火焰桶。
- 包括两个带有火焰元素的可拼搭盛火容器。
- 这款儿童玩具适合6至12岁的儿童。
- 巨轮越野车尺寸:高超过12厘米、长14厘米和宽9厘米。
- 坡道尺寸:宽超过9厘米、深6厘米和高小于2厘米。
- 就像乐高®城市车辆电视广告中看到的那样 。
Jump the fire and give the crowd a thrilling show!
Become a legend and do the most gravity-defying stunts in the LEGO® City Monster Truck set, featuring a colorful monster truck with massive wheels, air scoop and working suspension, plus a buildable ramp and 2 fire containers with flame elements. This cool children's toy includes a minifigure.
- Includes a monster truck driver minifigure.
- Features a colorful monster truck with massive wheels, air scoop on the hood and working suspension, plus a buildable ramp.
- Launch the monster truck off the ramp to jump over the flaming fire barrels.
- Includes 2 buildable fire containers with flame elements.
- This children's toy is suitable for ages 6-12.
- Monster truck measures over 4” (12cm) high, 5” (14cm) long and 3” (9cm) wide.
- Ramp measures over 3” (9cm) wide, 2” (6cm) deep and under 1” (2cm) high.
- As seen in the LEGO® City Vehicles TV commercial.
巨轮越野车(Monster Truck)属于城市系列积木套组,整个套组包含 192 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 60180 首发于2018年,之后被乐拼LEPIN、乐翼LARI/博乐BELA等国产积木品牌所复刻。