玩乐这款更新版乐高®幻影忍者 Legacy 套装,孩子们可以重现《幻影旋转术大师》早期剧集中惊心动魄的场景。这款风暴战机之战 (71703) 包含 3 个小人仔、一架玩具喷气式飞机、一辆玩具汽车和一座设有监牢的神庙。这款忍者战斗套装能够为富有想象力的孩子带来长时间的创意乐趣。
欢迎玩乐 4+ 系列套装!
乐高®幻影忍者 4+ 玩具有助于学龄前儿童学习拼搭他们喜爱的角色、交通工具和建筑。这些套装经过专门设计,包含入门积木底板,有助于简化拼搭过程,所以首次体验拼搭的新手也可以获得独立拼搭的自豪感。
- 这款乐高®幻影忍者 Legacy 套装包含源自早期剧集的凯和杰,可供进行对抗拉刹的精彩冒险。这款幻影忍者战斗套装非常适合帮助学龄前儿童培养并提高他们的拼搭技能。
- 这款有趣的玩具包含入门积木底板,有助于小忍者们学习拼搭,并使用小人仔(凯、杰和拉刹)、玩具汽车、玩具喷气式飞机和设有监牢的神庙,来创造属于自己的幻影忍者冒险活动。
- 这款风暴战机之战幻影忍者 Legacy 套装包含一架很酷的忍者喷气式飞机(拥有折叠式机翼)和配有发射器的玩具汽车,可供忍者粉丝上演《幻影忍者之旋转术大师》电视剧集中精彩的战斗场景。
- 这款包含 165 块积木颗粒和可拼搭式人偶的幻影忍者战斗套装能够为 4 岁以上的学龄前儿童带来有趣的拼搭体验,可作为充满激情的忍者粉丝非常理想的生日礼物或节日礼物。
- 这款于 2020 年 6 月新推出的忍者玩具是对幻影忍者经典电视剧集期待已久的更新。神庙尺寸为:高 7 厘米(2.5 英寸)、长 10 厘米(3.5 英寸)和宽 7 厘米(3 英寸),非常适合随时随地玩乐。
- 这款儿童拼搭玩具无需电池,可以随时开始玩乐。这款幻影忍者战斗包完全由孩子的想象力控制,所以忍者们永远无需停止战斗。
- 有助于学龄前儿童学习拼搭的理想玩具。随附的建议拼搭说明有助于将这款幻影忍者战斗套装带入现实生活,开启幻影忍者积木冒险之旅。
- 乐高® 4+ 儿童拼搭套装可以把孩子们带入一个满是他们喜爱的电影、电视角色和日常英雄的广阔世界,帮助他们了解拼搭步骤,增强自信心。
- 自 1958 年以来,乐高®拼搭积木一直符合最高行业标准。它们拥有很好的一致性和匹配性,且每次都可以轻松拆解。
- 这些乐高®积木和组件均经过严苛的测试,符合最高的安全和质量标准,无论是在地球还是在幻影忍者城市!
Kids can recreate thrilling scenes from early seasons of the Masters of Spinjitzu TV series with this updated LEGO® NINJAGO® Legacy set. Storm Fighter Battle (71703) features 3 minifigures, a toy jet, a toy car and a NINJAGO temple with a jail. This ninja battle set will provide imaginative kids with hours of creative fun.
Welcome to 4+!
LEGO NINJAGO 4+ toys help preschool kids learn to build their favorite characters, vehicles and buildings. With Starter Brick bases to make the process simpler, these sets are specially designed so first-time builders can experience the pride of constructing all on their own.
The perfect building sets for kids
LEGO NINJAGO ninja toys give youngsters a gateway into a fantasy world where they can indulge in creative fun and role-play stories with NINJAGO action figures. Your little ninja will be captivated as they play with a range of ninja toys, including ninja jets, mechs and dragons.
- LEGO® NINJAGO® Legacy set featuring Kai and Jay from classic early seasons of the TV series for exciting adventures against Lasha. This NINJAGO battle pack is perfect for helping preschool kids develop and improve their building skills.
- This fun toy has Starter Brick bases to help little ninjas learn to build and create their own NINJAGO® adventures with minifigures of Kai, Jay, Lasha, a toy car, toy jet and a temple with a jail attached.
- This Storm Fighter Battle NINJAGO® Legacy set features a cool ninja jet with folding wings and a toy car with shooter for ninja fans to stage exciting battle scenes from the NINJAGO Masters of Spinjitzu TV series.
- This 165-piece NINJAGO® battle set with buildable figures offers a fun building experience for preschoolers aged 4+, and makes a highly desirable birthday present or holiday gift for passionate ninja fans.
- New for June 2020, this ninja toy is an eagerly anticipated update from classic seasons of the NINJAGO® TV series. The temple measures 4” (10cm) high, 5” (13cm) long and 8” (20cm) wide – the perfect size to play with anywhere.
- This Building toy for kids requires no batteries – it’s ready to go. The NINJAGO® battle pack is controlled only by kids’ imaginations, so the ninjas never need to call a ceasefire.
- The perfect fun toy to help preschoolers learn to build. Easy-to-follow building instructions are included to help bring this NINJAGO® battle set to life and start NINJAGO brick adventures.
- LEGO® 4+ building sets for kids introduce them to a wide universe of their movie favorites, TV characters and everyday heroes, helping them to understand the purpose of building steps and boosting their confidence.
- LEGO® building bricks have met the highest industry standards since 1958. They are consistent, compatible and pull apart with ease every time.
- These LEGO® bricks and pieces have been rigorously tested and meet the highest global safety and quality standards, both here on Earth and in NINJAGO®city!
风暴战机之战(Storm Fighter Battle)属于幻影忍者系列积木套组,整个套组包含 165 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 71703 首发于2020年,之后被坦克等国产积木品牌所复刻。