Will be available March 1, 2014!
Deep in the underground lab of the A.I.M. organization, Thor is being held captive by Taskmaster and the evil MODOK. Help Falcon break in and overpower the super villains, while Hulk smashes through the lab wall and goes on the rampage! Can he destroy the hammer-powered laser cannon and smash the shields to release Thor from his shielded cell? Only you can decide. Includes 4 minifigures with assorted weapons: Thor, Falcon, MODOK and Taskmaster plus Hulk figure.
- Includes 4 minifigures with assorted weapons: Thor, Falcon, MODOK and Taskmaster plus Hulk figure
- Features rotating laser cannon and collapsible wall, bridge and shields
- Weapons include Thor’s Hammer, Taskmaster’s shield and sword as well as handcuffs for the captive Thor
- Smash the bridge and send Taskmaster tumbling
- Burst through the wall with the all-powerful Hulk
- Release Thor from his shielded prison with the incredible Hulk
- Use the attack droid with 2 devastating flick missiles
- Hulk smaaash!
- Lab measures over 9” (24cm) high, 10” (26cm) wide and 6” (16cm) deep
绿巨人粉碎实验室(Avengers: Hulk Lab Smash)属于复仇者联盟系列积木套组,整个套组包含 398 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 76018 首发于2014年,之后被加致/盛源S牌SY、乐翼LARI/博乐BELA等国产积木品牌所复刻。