- 包括灰姑娘和白马王子的小人偶,以及一匹小马驹和两只老鼠角色。
- 该套装拥有一座三层的模块化城堡、南瓜园 、马驹的跳跃功能,以及一辆可被马驹拉动的马车。
- 城堡拥有一个就餐区,内设有桌子和椅子;一间卧室,室内的床中有可打开的秘密隔间;可旋转的壁炉,带有秘密藏物处;带旋转舞池的阳台、厨房、带梳妆台的更衣区,以及设有躺椅的休息区。
- 配件包括一张玻璃鞋砖片、可翻开的书、邀请函砖片、香水瓶、珠宝、梳子、发带、牛角面包、饼干、奶酪、南瓜、水壶、蒸煮罐、平底锅和玻璃杯。
- 通过简单地交换和重新布置内部的特征,如王座、火炉、梳妆台和长凳,即可令该套装更富个性化。
- 每次移动和重新拼放这些房间,都可以拼建一座新的城堡,或者与其他匹配的乐高®迪士尼系列套装组合、交换和混搭,打造你的梦想之作。
- 借助这些深受人们喜爱的角色,重现迪士尼《灰姑娘》中的场景,或者演绎自己的精彩故事。
- 让灰姑娘和白马王子在旋转舞池中彻夜跳舞,之后到厨房中清洗餐具。
- 照顾这匹小马驹,并给他套上车,让他学拉车!
- 这款受欢迎的儿童玩具适于6至12岁的孩子。
- 灰姑娘的梦幻城堡尺寸:高超过13英寸(34厘米)、宽9英寸(25厘米)和深4英寸(12厘米)。
- 马车(不包括马儿)尺寸:高超过1英寸(4厘米)、长3英寸(9厘米)和宽1英寸(5厘米)。
Dine and dance at the Dream Castle with Disney Cinderella.
LEGO® l Disney Cinderella’s Dream Castle is the ultimate set to play out your fairytales, whether recreating scenes from Disney’s Cinderella or creating new stories of your own. With a grand dining room, bedroom, dressing area, kitchen, fireplace and balcony, there's so much to explore and hidden secrets to discover in this popular toy for kids. Get creative using the modular design to easily move and swap sections within the model, or rearrange the rooms of the castle and integrate them with other compatible LEGO l Disney toys to build your own dream creations. Includes 2 mini-doll figures plus a foal and 2 mice figures.
- Includes Cinderella and Prince Charming mini-doll figures, plus a foal and 2 mice figures.
- Features a modular 3-story castle, pumpkin patch, horse jump, and a cart that can be pulled by the foal.
- Castle features a dining area with table and chairs, bedroom with opening secret compartment in the bed, turning fireplace with secret hiding place, balcony with revolving dancefloor, kitchen, dressing area with vanity, and a lounge area with chaise longue.
- Accessory elements include a glass slipper tile, opening book, invitation tile, perfume bottles, jewel, hairbrush, hair bows, croissants, cookies, cheese, pumpkins, water bottle, cooking pot, pan and glasses.
- Customize the set by easily swapping and rearranging internal features such as the throne, stove, vanity and bench.
- Move and rearrange the rooms to create a new castle every time, or combine, swap and mix this model with other compatible LEGO® l Disney toys to build your own dream creations.
- Recreate scenes from Disney's Cinderella with these much-loved characters, or create new role-play stories of your own.
- Help Cinderella and Prince Charming dance all night on the revolving dancefloor, then head to the kitchen to wash the dishes.
- Take care of the foal and attach the cart to help him pull it along!
- This popular toy for kids is suitable for ages 6-12.
- Cinderella's Dream Castle measures over 13” (34cm) high, 9” (25cm) wide and 4” (12cm) deep.
- Cart (without horse) measures over 1” (4cm) high, 3” (9cm) long and 1” (5cm) wide.
灰姑娘的梦幻城堡(Cinderella's Dream Castle)属于女孩系列积木套组,整个套组包含 585 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 41154 首发于2018年,之后被积思JiSi、乐拼LEPIN、将牌LELE、加致/盛源S牌SY、乐翼LARI/博乐BELA、后牌QUEEN、杰高JIEGO等国产积木品牌所复刻。