- 包括两个迷你玩偶人物米娅和斯蒂芬妮,以及马儿阿里亚。
- 该玩具为一辆野营车,配有可打开的顶篷,可容纳两个迷你玩偶的驾驶室,带有马桶和洗脸盆的浴室,带有冰箱、炊具、水槽和就餐区的厨房,以及折叠式天篷、可打开顶篷的楼上睡眠区和一顶带有两张床的独立帐篷,还有野餐桌和带有树木的野外区域、用于马儿的指示牌和饲喂站 。
- 配件包括一艘充气船、头盔、两部对讲机、两份热狗、盛有水果的果盘、印有“我爱心湖城”字样的杯子、杯子、饮水瓶、煎锅、发刷、香水瓶和一个篮子。
- 与米娅和斯蒂芬妮一起驾驶野营车,寻找理想的野营地,搭起帐篷来。
- 可卸下野营车的顶篷,便于玩乐。
- 可在厨房内制作热狗,然后在车外的折叠式天篷下享用。
- 将迷你人偶放入她们在睡眠区的床铺或是搭好的野营帐篷内的床铺。
- 戴上头盔,骑上马儿,穿行于乡村郊外去冒险,或者乘充气船去兜风!
- 适于6至12岁的儿童。
- 野营车尺寸:高 5 英寸(13厘米)、长8英寸(22厘米)和宽4英寸(11厘米)。
- 帐篷尺寸:高超过1英寸(5厘米)、宽2英寸(6厘米)和深2英寸(6厘米)。
- 充气船尺寸:宽超过3英寸(9厘米)、深1英寸(5 厘米)和高低于1英寸(1厘米)。
Set up camp with Mia’s luxury camper van!
LEGO® Friends Mia’s Camper Van makes camping with friends a dream! Lift off the roof of this cool toy for kids for easy access to the kitchen and bathroom inside, flip open the lid of the upstairs sleeping area, put up the canopy and get to work on the tent with 2 beds inside. There's also a picnic table, an inflatable dinghy and a friendly horse for endless outdoor adventures! Includes 2 mini-dolls and a horse figure.
- Includes Mia and Stephanie mini-doll figures, plus an Aria the horse figure.
- Features a camper van with opening roof, a cab to fit 2 mini-dolls, bathroom with toilet and basin, kitchen with refrigerator, cooker, sink and dining area, folding canopy, upstairs sleeping area with opening roof, a separate tent with 2 beds, plus a picnic bench and an outside area with tree, signposts and feeding station for the horse.
- Accessory elements include an inflatable dinghy, riding helmet, 2 walkie-talkies, 2 hot dogs, fruit bowl with fruit, ‘I love Heartlake City’ mug, cup, drinking bottle, frying pan, hairbrush, perfume bottle and a basket.
- Drive the camper van and find the perfect spot to set up camp with Mia and Stephanie.
- Remove the camper van roof for easy play inside.
- Prepare delicious hot dogs in the kitchen and enjoy them outside under the folding canopy of this cool toy for kids.
- Tuck the mini-dolls into their beds in the sleeping area or tent camp beds.
- Put on the helmet and take the horse on an adventure through the surrounding countryside, or take the inflatable dinghy out for a ride!
- Suitable for ages 6-12.
- Camper van measures over 5” (13cm) high, 8” (22cm) long and 4” (11cm) wide.
- Tent measures over 1” (5cm) high, 2” (6cm) wide and 2” (6cm) deep.
- Inflatable dinghy measures over 3” (9cm) wide, 1” (5cm) deep and under 1” (1cm) high.
米娅的野营车(Mia's Camper Van)属于好朋友系列积木套组,整个套组包含 488 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 41339 首发于2018年,之后被乐拼LEPIN、加致/盛源S牌SY、乐翼LARI/博乐BELA等国产积木品牌所复刻。