拿起安全帽,进入这辆乐高®城市组采矿专家基地,做出新的发现!这款令人惊心动魄的儿童玩具包括一辆设有小人仔驾驶室和可抬升机械手臂的巨型破碎机,以及一辆带有可抬升铲头的前端装载机和一辆可倾翻底座的翻斗车。还包括一个大型矿山系统 ,带有金矿元素、爆破功能、隐藏的金矿元素,以及一个带有旋转溜槽和两辆矿山车的溜槽和轨道系统,还有一座移动实验室。包括6个小人仔,以及黑熊和可在黑暗中发光的蜘蛛。
- 包括6个小人仔:两名驾驶员、一名爆破专家、矿工、科学家和一名主管,还有黑熊和夜光蜘蛛。
- 该玩具包括一辆巨型破碎机,设有小人仔驾驶室和可抬升的机械手臂,还有一辆带有可抬升铲头的小型前端装载机和一辆可倾翻底座的翻斗车。
- 还包括一个巨型矿山,其带有碎石元素以标示一块隐藏的金矿,还有旋转的溜槽、带有两辆矿山车的轨道系统和一座移动实验室。
- 蜘蛛在黑暗中发光!
- 通过转动破碎机一侧的旋钮,来旋转钻轮。
- 通过升起破碎机的机械臂,来沿着矿山的一侧提升或降低钻轮。
- 将金矿沿斜槽滑进矿山车,然后再从矿山车倒入翻斗车内。
- 在你使用触发器炸开岩石并找到新矿藏之前,先从翻斗车内倾倒出金矿,并使用前端装载机把它们拖到移动实验室。
- 配件包括一个炸药元素、鹤嘴锄、扩音器、鸡腿和12块金矿元素。
- 这款儿童玩具适合7至12岁的儿童。
- 破碎机尺寸:高超过17厘米、长28厘米和宽14厘米。
- 前端装载机尺寸:高超过6厘米、长10厘米和宽5厘米。
- 翻斗车尺寸:高超过6厘米、长12厘米和宽5厘米。
- 每个矿山车尺寸:高超过3厘米、长4厘米和宽3厘米。
- 带轨道的矿山尺寸:高超过12厘米、宽15厘米和深37厘米。
- 移动实验室尺寸:高超过4厘米、宽3厘米和深1厘米。
Head to the LEGO® City mine and dig up some gold!
Grab your hard hat and head out to the LEGO® City Mining Experts Site to make new discoveries! This thrilling children's toy features a large grinder/crusher with minifigure cab and raising arm, a front loader with raising shovel and a dump truck with tilting bed. It also includes a large mine system with golden nugget elements, explode function, hidden golden nugget element and a chute and track system with rotating chute and 2 mine carts, plus a mobile lab. Includes 6 minifigures plus bear and glow-in-the-dark spider figures.
- Includes 6 minifigures: 2 drivers, a demolition expert, miner, scientist and a chief, plus bear and spider figures.
- Features a massive grinder/crusher with minifigure cab and raising arm, plus a small front loader with raising shovel and a dump truck with tilting bed.
- Also includes a large mine with breakaway elements to reveal a hidden golden nugget, a turning chute, track system with 2 mine carts, and a mobile lab.
- Spider glows in the dark!
- Turn the knob on the side of the grinder/crusher to spin the drill wheel.
- Raise the grinder/crusher arm to lift or lower the drill wheel along the side of the mine.
- Drop nuggets down the chute into the mine cart, then empty the cart’s load into the dump truck’s bed.
- Dump the golden nuggets out of the truck bed and use the front loader to haul them to the mobile lab, before you use the triggers to blow open the hidden cache in the mine.
- Accessory elements include a dynamite stick element, pickaxe, megaphone, chicken leg and 12 golden nugget elements.
- This children's toy is suitable for ages 7-12.
- Grinder/crusher measures over 6” (17cm) high, 11” (28cm) long and 4” (14cm) wide.
- Front loader measures over 2” (6cm) high, 3” (10cm) long and 1” (5cm) wide.
- Dump truck measures over 2” (6cm) high, 4” (12cm) long and 1” (5cm) wide.
- Mine carts each measure over 1” (3cm) high, 1” (4cm) long and 1” (3cm) wide.
- Mine with track measures over 4” (12cm) high, 5” (15cm) wide and 14” (37cm) deep.
- Mobile lab measures over 1” (4cm) high, 1” (3cm) wide and under 1” (1cm) deep.
采矿专家基地(Mining Experts Site)属于城市系列积木套组,整个套组包含 883 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 60188 首发于2018年,之后被乐拼LEPIN、加致/盛源S牌SY、乐翼LARI/博乐BELA等国产积木品牌所复刻。