战斗开始了!摩尔特正驾驶着他的熔岩粉碎机冲向混沌之书,但阿隆•霍士亦驾着他 的飞翼神盾冲了过来!挥动熔岩粉碎机的巨大的岩石拳头,将骑士从他的飞翼神盾上震下来!拉回投石车,发射巨大的岩石,但要留神 NEXO 骑士及他的火焰弓!包括一个可抵挡 NEXO 能量的可扫描护盾:滚动火球。
Smash Aaron Fox out of the way and capture the Book of Chaos!
The race is on! Moltor is rushing towards the Book of Chaos in his Lava Smasher—but so is Aaron Fox on his hovershield! Set the Lava Smasher’s gigantic rock fists pounding to knock the knight off his hoverboard! Pull back the catapults and throw molten rocks, but watch out for the NEXO KNIGHT and his Blazer Bow! Includes a scannable shield for 1 NEXO Power: Rolling Fireball.
- Includes 2 minifigures: Moltor and Aaron Fox.
- Lava Smasher features 2 movable fists, 2 catapults and a cockpit for Moltor.
- Weapons include Aaron Fox’s Blazer Bow arrow shooter, with 3 arrows.
- Accessory elements include the Book of Chaos, 2 molten rocks and Aaron Fox’s helmet and visor.
- Push Moltor’s Lava Smasher forward to activate the moving rock fists.
- Lava Smasher measures over 4” (12cm) high, 7” (18cm) long and 5” (15cm) wide.
- Download the free LEGO® NEXO KNIGHTS™: MERLOK2.0 app to your smartphone or tablet. Ask your parents’ permission first.
- Scan the shield for the NEXO Power Rolling Fireball and power up in the LEGO® NEXO KNIGHTS™ game!
- Watch all your favorite NEXO KNIGHTS™ episodes on Cartoon Network.
岩炎魔帅的双槌重击车(Moltor's Lava Smasher)属于未来骑士团系列积木套组,整个套组包含 187 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 70313 首发于2016年,之后被乐拼LEPIN、将牌LELE、加致/盛源S牌SY、乐翼LARI/博乐BELA等国产积木品牌所复刻。