帮助 猿金刚躲避毒螯蛛 可怕的蜘蛛追踪机,带着气能量逃离蜘蛛网。注意,蜘蛛追踪机的网络轻型导弹和强壮、沉重的前腿可以让大猩猩部落领袖飞起来。使用猿金刚 的香蕉爆破器气能量武器以及他的 破网武器和矛与毒螯蛛 战斗,带着无价的气能量逃离。包括2个小人仔和各类武器:毒螯蛛和穿着新盔甲的猿金刚。
Battle Sparratus’ Spider Stalker with Gorzan and escape with the CHI!
Assist Gorzan in his quest to evade Sparratus’ scary Spider Stalker and get away from the spider’s web with the CHI. Beware of the Spider Stalker’s web flick missiles and powerful, stomping front legs which could send the Gorilla tribe leader flying. Use Gorzan’s Banana Buster CHI weapon to battle against Sparratus, with his Weborax weapon and spear, and break free with the priceless CHI. Includes 2 minifigures with weapons: Sparratus and Gorzan in his new armor.
- Includes 2 minifigures with weapons: Sparratus and Gorzan in his new armor
- Features stomping front legs, spider fangs, twin web flick missile, weapons holder, poseable jaws and legs, and translucent elements
- Includes spider’s web with a CHI crystal
- Weapons include Gorzan’s CHI Banana Buster, Sparratus’ Weborax and a spear
- Accessories include new armor for Gorzan
- Activate the gear wheel to stomp the powerful front legs
- Unclip Sparratus’ weapons from underneath his body
- Flick the web missiles from the body
- Help Gorzan retrieve the CHI from the evil Spider tribe
- Measures over 3" (9cm) high, 7" (20cm) long and 7" (20cm) wide
气功传奇:毒螯蛛的蜘蛛追踪机(Legends of Chima:Sparratus' Spider Stalker)属于气功传奇系列积木套组,整个套组包含 292 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 70130 首发于2014年,之后被乐拼LEPIN、乐翼LARI/博乐BELA等国产积木品牌所复刻。