喜爱大自然的孩子一定会喜欢上设计和穿戴这款乐高® DOTS 炫酷仙人掌手环 (41922) 组合!这款创意玩具套装包含一条可调节的弹性手环带,采用浅绿色,适合各种尺寸的手腕,还包含 32 块色彩绚丽的光板,其中包括带有仙人掌装饰的特殊光板。这些手环经过专门设计,简易直观,孩子们还可以设计属于他们自己的手环,并根据自己的服饰或心情进行个性化定制。
这款定制版首饰制作组合的乐趣在于,允许孩子们探索自我表达,以自己喜欢的方式装饰手环。这款有趣的手环组合及所有其它乐高 DOTS 玩具套装均为百搭型,效果完全取决于孩子的想象力。本系列各式手环可作为任何时候的意外奖励。
- 使用这款有趣的乐高® DOTS 炫酷仙人掌手环 (41922) 玩具套装为富有创意的孩子带来惊喜,帮助他们开启乐趣无边的 DIY 设计之旅。
- 适合展示的独特首饰!这款组合包含一条可调节的手环带和 32 块色彩绚丽的光板。孩子们可以装饰他们的手环,提升自己的自我表达能力。打开积木袋即可开始玩乐!
- 这款组合本身就是一件很棒的创作,能够带来轻松快捷的拼搭体验。孩子们还可以使用乐高® DOTS 补充装中的光板,尝试自己的新创意,拓展设计。
- 手工艺粉丝们一定会喜欢上这款创意套装。结实耐用的手环、色彩绚丽的光板和特殊装饰的光板可作为 6 岁及以上孩子的有趣礼物或额外的小奖励。
- 这款组合内含的手环长 20 厘米(7 英寸),小巧便携,非常适合小设计师们发挥创意,定制出自己最喜爱的版本,然后穿戴起来。
- 打开玩具袋,乐趣即可从装饰精致的手环开始。包装上易于遵循的图案能够激发灵感,有助于轻松完成设计,或者,孩子们可以反复创造自己独特的图案。
- 乐高® DOTS 系列套装可作为孩子们的很棒创意礼物。这款精巧的自制手环能够激发创意设计,帮助孩子在玩乐中培养创造力和自信心。
- 乐高® DOTS 系列套装有助于释放孩子的创造力,鼓励他们通过创造和定制首饰或房间饰品来表达自己,并将乐高玩乐的乐趣带给更多孩子。
- 乐高®组件符合严格的行业标准,以确保所有它们均一致、匹配,且每次都可以可靠拼接和拆解——自 1958 年以来一直如此。
- 我们对乐高®组件进行跌落、加热、挤压、扭曲测试及分析,以确保它们都符合严格的全球安全标准。
Open-ended creative fun awaits with this cool bracelet set!
Nature-loving kids will love creating and wearing this sharp LEGO® DOTS Cool Cactus Bracelet (41922) making kit! This creative toy set features an adjustable, flexible band in light green that fits around bigger or smaller wrists and 32 colorful tiles, including special cactus-decorated tiles. It's intended to be an easy and intuitive process, so kids can design their own bracelet and make it uniquely theirs to suit their outfit or mood.
No wrong way to play
The joy of this custom jewelry making kit is the chance for kids to explore self-expression and decorate it however they like. Anything goes with this fun bracelet, as well as all the other LEGO DOTS toy sets – the magic lies in a child’s imagination. The range of different bracelets make great unexpected treats at any time.
- Surprise a creative child with this playful LEGO® DOTS Cool Cactus Bracelet (41922) toy set and start them off on a fun journey of endless DIY design possibilities.
- Unique jewelry on display! Kids can stretch their self-expression skills as they decorate the bracelet, which features an adjustable band and 32 colorful tiles. Play starts right out of the bag!
- This kit is great on its own as a quick, imaginative creation. Kids can also use tiles from the LEGO® DOTS Extra DOTS bags to expand their designs with cool new ideas.
- Any arts-and-crafts fan will love this creative set. The durable bracelet, colorful tiles and special decorated tiles will make a fun gift or a little-extra-something treat for kids aged 6 and up.
- Small and totally portable. With the bracelet measuring over 7 in. (20 cm) long, this kit is perfect for budding designers to practice their creations and then wear their favorite version.
- Open the toy bag and the fun begins with decorating the bracelet. Easy-to-follow inspiration on the packaging makes designing a snap, or kids can create their own patterns again and again.
- Give kids creative gifts to make with LEGO® DOTS kits. This clever homemade bracelet offers open-ended design possibilities to help build children's creativity and confidence through fun.
- LEGO® DOTS sets offer freedom in creativity and encourage kids' self-expression through creating and customizing jewelry or room decor items, bringing the joy of LEGO play to a new group of kids.
- LEGO® components meet stringent industry standards to ensure they are consistent, compatible and connect and pull apart reliably every time – it’s been that way since 1958.
- LEGO® components are dropped, heated, crushed, twisted and analyzed to make sure they meet strict global safety standards.
DOTS:酷酷仙人掌手环(Cool Cactus Bracelet)属于点点世界系列积木套组,整个套组包含 33 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 41922 首发于2021年。