《哈利·波特》影迷们将会被这款乐高®哈利·波特钥匙链 (854114) 所深深吸引。包含一个身穿熟悉的格兰芬多校服的哈利·波特小人仔,其牢牢地连接在坚固耐用的金属环和金属链上。年轻的男巫和女巫可以把这个标志性的角色挂在他们的钥匙、背包、午餐盒等物品上,让每一天都变得十分神奇。
Fans of the Harry Potter™ movies will be enchanted by this LEGO® Harry Potter Keyring (854114). Securely attached to a strong metal chain with a durable metal ring is a genuine LEGO Harry Potter minifigure wearing his familiar Gryffindor™ uniform. Young witches and wizards can attach the iconic character to their keys, backpacks, lunchboxes and more to make every day magical.