这款乐高®我的世界现代树屋 (21174) 是一款大型的多功能玩具套装,非常精致,可以为《我的世界》玩家和喜爱创意拼搭的孩子带来持久的乐趣。
孩子们可以拼搭 4 个截然不同的房间:厨房、图书馆、书房和卧室,然后添加一些逼真的我的世界配件,从家具和床上用品到工具和 TNT 炸药。这款套装鼓励孩子们反复进行拼搭和配置,探索富有想象力的玩乐和展示方式。这些房间甚至不必拼接在树上。这款套装非常适合想象力丰富且不满足于传统玩具屋的孩子。
- 这款乐高®我的世界现代树屋 (21174) 是一款大型的多功能玩具套装,非常精致,包含 4 间可以以各种方式进行重新配置的房间,其充满逼真的《我的世界》特色。
- 包含源自在线游戏《我的世界》的带电爬虫、熊猫皮肤、豹猫皮肤、僵尸、猫、鸡,以及许多逼真的配件。
- 孩子们会反复拼搭和配置这款可以改变和定制的玩具套装,以探索富有想象力的玩乐和展示方式。
- 这款拼搭和展示一体化树屋模块化模型,非常适合 9 岁及以上的《我的世界》爱好者或模型爱好者,可作为理想的生日礼物、节日礼物或特殊奖励。
- 这款可重新配置的套装尺寸为:高 29 厘米(11 英寸)、宽 20 厘米(7 英寸)、深 17 厘米(6 英寸),非常适合创意玩乐以及与其它乐高®我的世界套装组合。
- 这款色彩缤纷的玩具套装包含许多逼真的《我的世界》配件,其中包括各式工具、家具和 TNT 炸药。
- 乐高®我的世界玩具套装为《我的世界》玩家玩自己喜爱的游戏提供了一种全新方式,其通过一系列乐高积木和组件很有创意地将游戏中的角色、场景和功能带入现实生活。
- 乐高®拼搭组合符合严格的行业质量标准,以确保它们均一致、匹配,且每次都可以轻松拼接和拆解——自 1958 年以来一直如此。
- 我们对乐高®组件进行跌落、加热、挤压、扭曲测试及分析,以确保它们都符合严格的全球安全标准。
A mega, modular, Minecraft" treehouse
LEGO® Minecraft™ The Modern Treehouse (21174) is a large, detailed and extremely versatile playset that will give enduring pleasure to Minecraft players and any child who enjoys creative construction.
Endlessly reconfigurable Minecraft treehouseKids build 4 very different rooms – kitchen, library, study and bedroom – then add a variety of authentic Minecraft accessories – from furniture and bedding to tools and TNT. The set invites kids to rebuild and reconfigure again and again and to explore imaginative play-and-display possibilities that never end. Rooms don’t even have to be attached to the tree. The set is ideal for children whose imaginations stretch beyond the walls of a traditional dollhouses.
- LEGO® Minecraft™ The Modern Treehouse (21174) is a large, detailed and extremely versatile playset featuring 4 endlessly reconfigurable rooms packed with authentic Minecraft features.
- Includes a charged Creeper™ figure and a panda skin, ocelot skin, zombie, cat and chicken from the online Minecraft™ game, plus lots of authentic accessories.
- Children will rebuild and reconfigure this wonderfully convertible and customizable playset again and again to explore imaginative play-and-display possibilities that never end.
- This build-and-display modular treehouse is ideal for any Minecraft™ or model-making enthusiast aged 9 and up. It makes an ideal birthday present, holiday gift, or special treat.
- Measuring over 11 in. (29 cm) high, 7 in. (20 cm) wide and 6 in. (17 cm) deep, this impressive set is perfect for imaginative play, creative display and combining with other LEGO® Minecraft™ sets.
- The colorful playset contains many authentic Minecraft™ accessories, including tools,furniture and TNT.
- LEGO® Minecraft™ playsets give Minecraft players a new way to enjoy their favorite game, with characters, scenes and features brought to life with an imaginative mix of LEGO bricks and pieces.
- LEGO® building kits meet rigorous industry quality standards to ensure they are consistent, compatible and connect and pull apart perfectly every time – it’s been that way since 1958.
- LEGO® components are dropped, heated, crushed, twisted and analyzed to make sure they meet demanding global safety standards.
现代树屋(The Modern Treehouse)属于我的世界系列积木套组,整个套组包含 909 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 21174 首发于2021年,之后被坦克等国产积木品牌所复刻。