在 37 种彩色积木组成的乐高®积木盒中迸发闪耀灵感! 不管你是创意拼砌专家还是跃跃欲试的新手,都能在其中挖掘无数的创意和可能。特殊部件包括门窗、轮子、眼睛和引擎,适合各年龄段玩耍,搭配任意款乐高系列更添趣味。乐高经典创意拼砌盒附带拼砌说明帮助你快速上手...那就立即开动吧!
Create your own building fun with this great set for all ages!
Take inspiration from a box full of LEGO® bricks in 37 different colors! There are so many ideas and possibilities, whether you’re a creative expert or just finding your feet. Special pieces including a door, window, wheels, eyes and a rotor will help to inspire builders of all ages, and help make this set a great addition to any existing LEGO collection. The LEGO Classic Creative Building Box also includes some instructions to help you get started… So get building!