准备好发射 Taserface 的 M 太空船上的六发射钉枪!Rocket 与 Mantis 可能坠落在森林星球上了,不过他们还未能用米兰太空飞船的残骸建造出强大的武器,无法抵御破坏者的进攻。快用森林之中 M 太空船上的射钉枪进行掩护,然后用 Rocket 的枪进行反击,再现银行护卫队里的精彩冒险场景!
Team up with Mantis and Rocket and fight back against Taserface!
Stage a forest face-off between Taserface in his M-ship, featuring four stud shooters and a minifigure cockpit, and Rocket and Mantis, who are hiding in the forest setting featuring a buildable tree with branch elements. Help the two Guardians of the Galaxy build the six-stud shooter, then fire at the approaching M-ship and work as a team to fend off the Ravagers. Includes three minifigures.