打开美妙的游乐场旋转飞椅,转动曲柄,看着它开动起来! 城里正开游园会,孩子和大人都迫不及待地想坐上游乐设施。在售票口买张票,登上旋转飞椅。然后试着摸到钟锤上的金铃或击中目标,使坐在落水台上面的小姐落入水中。夜幕降临,旋转的飞椅在黑暗中闪闪发光,接着它会下落并装到专用拖车上,运往下一个小镇。神奇的游乐场充满了各种精彩细节,每个人都能尽情发挥想象。包括 12 个小人仔:一个踩高跷的杂耍小子、落水台小姐、挑战者壮汉、售票小姐、卡车司机/操作员、2 个女人,2 个女孩,2 个男孩和一个总来干扰旋转飞椅的臭小子。
Climb aboard the LEGO® Fairground Mixer and hold onto your hat!
Unfold the awesome Fairground Mixer, turn the crank and see it come to life! The fair has come to town and children and adults alike can’t wait to try the rides. Buy your ticket from the ticket booth and climb aboard the Mixer. Then try reaching the golden bell on the high striker or hit the target to plunge the dunk tank lady into the water. As evening falls, the swirling Mixer ride glows in the darkness, before being folded down onto its own trailer for transportation to the next town. This magical fairground is packed with wonderful details that will capture everyone’s imagination. Includes 12 minifigures: a juggling man on stilts, dunk tank lady, strong man challenger, ticket lady, truck driver/ride operator, 2 women, 2 girls, 2 boys and a queasy man who tried the mixer one too many times.