去拼搭、探索泰姬陵吧!这座由白色大理石建成的巨大陵墓,是莫卧儿皇帝沙贾汗为纪念他心爱的妻子(穆塔兹·马哈尔)于1631年而建的,被誉为世界建筑奇迹之一 。这款重新推出的2008版乐高®创意百变高手系列得意之作,在建筑的四面饰以气派的拱门、阳台和拱形窗户。中心拱顶、附属的穹顶庭室和四周的尖塔均装饰有尖顶,华美的高台饰有嵌壁式拱门。该模型整体精美端庄,基底四周还饰有复杂的瓦作。这款套装包含5900多块积木,为人们提供了极富成就感的拼搭体验,还可作为居室或办公室中一件超棒的展示品。
The famous Taj Mahal jewel of India is known all over the globe for its incredible beauty and elegance. Now you can recreate this modern wonder of the world for yourself! Designed for experienced builders, the LEGO Taj Mahal model features advanced building techniques, rare elements and colors, and realistic details of architecture. With over 5,900 pieces, the Taj Mahal makes an awesome addition to any LEGO collection! Amazingly detailed model features the base, minarets, domes, finials, arches and stairs in the front Assembles in 3 sections for easier transportation The most elements ever featured in one set! Measures over 20" (51cm) wide and over 16" (41cm) tall