驾驶霸气的First Order Special Forces TIE fighter™截击敌军。这架外观亮眼的战机堪称First Order的标志性星际战机,驾驶 舱可坐两个人偶,能分别从上下方打开,配有两个弹簧发射器和一台用于探测敌军战舰的旋转雷达。有了此款酷炫 模型,你就能重建史诗般的《星战:原力觉醒》中的场景。包括 4 个人偶及各类武器和附件:两个First Order Special Forces TIE fighter™飞行员、First Order Officer和First Order Crew。
驾驶霸气的First Order Special Forces钛战机截击敌军。这架外观亮眼的战机堪称First Order的标志性星际战机,驾驶舱可坐两个小人仔,能分别从上下方打开,配有两个弹簧发射器和一台用于探测敌军战舰的旋转雷达。有了此款酷炫模型,就能拼出史诗股的《星球大战:原力觉醒》中的场景。
包括4个人仔,2个First Order Special Forces钛战机飞行员和1个指挥官、1个特种兵。2个弹簧发射器、1把手枪。
Intercept and destroy with the battle-ready First Order Special Forces TIE fighter!
Intercept the enemy with the impressive First Order Special Forces TIE fighter. The unmistakable shape of this iconic starfighter signifies the military might of the First Order, and features a 2-minifigure cockpit that opens from the top and bottom, 2 spring-loaded shooters and a rotating antenna for homing in on enemy starships. With this great model, you can recreate the epic excitement of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Includes 4 minifigures with assorted weapons and accessories: 2 First Order TIE Fighter Pilots, First Order Officer and a First Order Crew.