所有人登上米奇妙妙屋生日火车,米奇和米妮的生日巡游典礼为您而来!把打造完美生日派对所需的一切装上火车——可拼砌的蛋糕、气球和礼物装饰积木。您现在几岁了?通过表示从 1 到 5 岁的年龄装饰积木,米奇和米妮可以每年都来为您庆祝快乐的生日。孩子们一定会喜欢用专为初学者设计的大块鲜艳的乐高®得宝™积木,锻炼他们的动手技巧,享受无穷的生日角色扮演机会!套装包括2个乐高得宝人物:米奇和米妮。
Celebrate your birthday with Mickey and Minnie!
All aboard the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse birthday train as Mickey and Minnie throw a parade in your honor! Load up the train with everything you need for the perfect birthday party—a buildable cake, balloons and decorated gift bricks. How old are you today? With decorated age bricks numbered from 1 to 5, Mickey and Minnie can bring birthday fun year after year. Young children will love the endless birthday role-play opportunities and developing their construction skills with the big, bright LEGO® DUPLO® bricks designed especially for budding builders. Includes 2 LEGO DUPLO figures: Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse.