- 本套装包括火车驾驶员和儿童乐高®得宝®人仔,以及一只松鼠。
- 该套装包括一个可拼搭且带有灯光和声音的“推动,让火车自动前行”火车头、乘客车厢、5块彩色的感应积木、火车站、煤炭翻斗卡车、树木和16片轨道。
- 配件包括一个加油罐、手提箱、面包和一把铲子。
- 任何一个孩子只需向前或向后轻轻一推,这款蒸汽火车便可启动,而用他们的小手从引擎上部牢牢握住,即可让它停止。
- 可向您的孩子展示,如何沿着轨道放置和移动这5块彩色的感应积木,使火车按照相应积木的指令产生鸣笛声、打开指示灯、加油、改变方向或停止。
- 可通过乐高®得宝®人仔创造无穷无尽的探险之旅,培养孩子们的想象力和早期角色扮演技能。
- 只需下载免费的应用程序,便可从这款乐高®得宝®套装中获得更多玩乐可能,该应用程序包括遥控功能,以及供年幼孩子们去完成的有趣活动。
- 该套装中的火车和轨道与您孩子现有的乐高®得宝®火车系列其他产品完全匹配。
- 可选择下载应用程序—想了解更多信息,请访问LEGO.com/devicecheck
- 乐高®得宝®产品经过专门设计,好玩又简易,非常适合小朋友。
- 本产品需要用到电池(未包括)。请参阅产品包装了解类型和数量。
- 可与10872火车桥梁与轨道、10875乐高得宝智能货运火车及10882火车轨道组合起来,获取更多轨道组合,体验乐高®得宝®火车无穷无尽的欢乐。
- 乐高得宝智能蒸汽火车尺寸:高10厘米、长30厘米和宽7厘米。
- 火车站尺寸:高15厘米、宽12厘米和深6厘米。
The LEGO® DUPLO® Steam Train is as easy as Push & Go!
The LEGO® DUPLO® 10874 Steam Train is now even easier for your toddler to control and interact with in multiple ways. Young children can become the train driver with the Push & Go motor — a gentle push either forwards or backwards sends the train on its way and a firm hold or lift off the tracks will make it stop. Help them place the 5 colored action bricks along the track to sound the horn, turn the lights on and off, pause and refuel, change direction and stop the train wherever they like. With a train station, coal tipper, 2 DUPLO figures plus an animal figure and a simple toy train track included in this LEGO DUPLO set, preschoolers can enjoy classic, fun train play. Download the optional app to unlock even more play possibilities, including remote-control function and fun activities to complete with your toddler!
- Includes train driver and child LEGO® DUPLO® figures, plus a squirrel figure.
- Features a buildable Push & Go locomotive with lights and sounds, passenger carriage, 5 color-coded action bricks, train station, coal tipper, tree and 16 pieces of track.
- Accessory elements include a refueling can, suitcase, bread and a spade.
- Any toddler can start the steam train with a gentle push forwards or backwards, and stop it by placing their hand firmly on top of the engine.
- Show your child how to place and move the 5 colored action bricks around the track so the train follows their instructions to sound the horn, turn on the lights, refuel, change direction or stop.
- Develop imagination and early role-play skills using the LEGO® DUPLO® figures to create endless journeys and adventures.
- Extend the play possibilities of this LEGO® DUPLO® set by downloading the free app with remote-control function and fun activities for young children to complete.
- The train and tracks included in this set are compatible with your child’s existing LEGO® DUPLO® train collection.
- Download the optional app at the App Store, Google Play Store or Amazon Kindle Store. Learn more at LEGO.com/devicecheck.
- LEGO® DUPLO® products are specially designed to be fun and easy for little hands.
- This product requires batteries (not included). Please refer to the product packaging for type and quantity.
- Combine with the 10872 Train Bridge and Tracks, 10875 Cargo Train and 10882 Train Tracks for even more track combinations and LEGO® DUPLO® train fun.
- Steam train with passenger car measures over 3” (10cm) high, 11” (30cm) long and 2” (7cm) wide.
- Station measures over 5” (15cm) high, 4” (12cm) wide and 2” (6cm) deep.
智能蒸汽火车(Steam Train)属于得宝系列积木套组,整个套组包含 59 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 10874 首发于2018年。