演绎乐高®得宝®小镇的真实生活:一个易于辨识的世界,众多现代化的得宝人仔。孩子们会喜欢上通过在这座易于拼搭的 10902 警察局里进行角色扮演,来创造故事。帮助警察驾驶这辆带有闪烁灯光和警笛声的警车飞速追赶逃跑的坏蛋,这家伙还拿走了警察的甜甜圈!然后把他带回警察局,锁到牢房里。包括 3 个得宝人仔。
- 包括 3 个乐高®得宝®人仔:2 名警察和一个坏蛋。
- 本套装包括一座易于拼搭的警察局和一辆带有灯光和警笛声的警车,其中警察局配有可打开门的监狱。
- 配件包括一只杯子,以及装饰成甜甜圈的积木和安全摄像头。
- 按下按钮,打开警车的警笛声和灯光。
- 抓住那个坏蛋,把他带回警察局的监狱。
- 您的孩子在尽情玩乐这些角色、配件和装饰性积木的同时,还可以了解警察这个职业以及日常生活中他们如何帮助我们。
- 玩乐这款易于拼搭的模型,有助于您的孩子掌握基本的拼搭技能。
- 这款儿童警察玩具可作为学龄前儿童的理想礼物。
- 乐高®得宝®产品经过专门设计,好玩又简易,非常适合小朋友。
- 这里有多款乐高®得宝®小镇系列产品可供收集,可让您的孩子在得宝的世界中欢度每一天。
- 可与 10900 警用摩托车组合起来,获取更多警察主题的欢乐。
- 警察局尺寸:高 17 厘米、宽 25 厘米和深 10 厘米。
- 警车尺寸:高 11 厘米、长 15 厘米和宽 7 厘米。
Enjoy endless preschool police fun in this toy police station and police car with lights and sounds!
Play out real-life scenarios in LEGO® DUPLO® Town: a recognizable world with modern DUPLO figures. Preschoolers will love creating stories through pretend play at the easy-to-build 10902 Police Station. Help the police officers whizz out in the police car with flashing lights and siren sound to catch the crook on the run with the police officer's doughnuts! Then take him back to the toy police station and lock him safely in the jail cell. Includes 3 DUPLO figures.
- Includes 3 LEGO® DUPLO® figures: 2 police officers and a crook.
- Features an easy-to-build police station with opening cell door and a toy police car with lights and siren sound.
- Accessory elements include a mug, plus bricks decorated as doughnuts and a security camera.
- Press the button to activate the police car siren and lights.
- Catch the crook and take him to the toy police station with jail.
- Use the modern characters, accessories and decorated bricks to have fun while helping your toddler learn about the police and how they help us.
- Help your child master basic construction skills with this easy-to-build model.
- This police toy for kids makes an ideal gift for preschool children.
- LEGO® DUPLO® products are specially designed to be fun and easy for little hands.
- There are several LEGO® DUPLO® Town products to collect and play out your child's everyday life in a recognizable DUPLO world.
- Combine with the 10900 Police Bike for even more police-themed fun.
- Police station measures over 6” (17cm) high, 9” (25cm) wide and 3” (10cm) deep.
- Police car measures over 4” (11cm) high, 5” (15cm) long and 2” (7cm) wide.
警察局(Police Station)属于得宝系列积木套组,整个套组包含 38 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 10902 首发于2019年。