玩乐这款乐高®得宝® 10907 动物世界游戏套装,向将您的宝宝介绍丰富多彩的动物世界!可以在广袤的非洲大草原上狩猎,为狮子和长颈鹿拍照;当你划着独木舟沿森林中的河流行进时,可以发现一些可爱的森林生物;可以在热带海滩上堆建一座沙堡,还可以在南极观赏鲸鱼......这款跨越全球的儿童教育玩具包含一系列激动人心的动物、建筑、车辆、角色和配件,学龄前小朋友们可以尽情地进行玩乐和创造。
- 包含 6 个乐高®得宝®人仔:旅行者、飞行员、进行冲浪运动的爸爸和孩子,以及划独木舟的爸爸和孩子。
- 还包含 15 个得宝玩具动物:成年长颈鹿和小长颈鹿、成年狮子和幼狮、成年熊猫和熊猫宝宝、成年鹿和幼鹿、成年鲸鱼和幼鲸,以及巨嘴鸟、鱼、兔子和松鼠。
- 这款幼儿冒险玩具包含冲浪面包车、飞机和独木舟,以及 5 个可拼搭的环境,代表了 4个独特的世界:森林、热带草原、热带海滩和南极洲。
- 配件包括:冲浪板、相机、旅行箱、铁锹和饮料杯。
- 草原尺寸:高 17 厘米、宽 22 厘米和深 6 厘米。
- 寺庙尺寸:高 20 厘米、宽 27 厘米和深 9 厘米。
- 汽车尺寸:高 9 厘米、长 14 厘米和宽 6 厘米。
- 飞机尺寸:高 11 厘米、长 18 厘米和宽 19 厘米。
Discover the world s animals with this toddler adventure toy!
Introduce your toddler to a world of animals and environments with the LEGO® DUPLO® 10907 World Animals playset! Take a safari across the African savannah and pretend to photograph lions and giraffes, spot cute woodland creatures as you canoe along a woodland river, build a sandcastle on a tropical beach, go whale watching at the south pole… With a captivating range of toy animals, buildings, vehicles, characters and accessories, this globe-spanning educational toy for toddlers contains endless opportunities to engage and inspire any preschooler.
- Includes 6 LEGO® DUPLO® figures: a traveler, pilot, surfer dad and child, and a canoer dad and child.
- Also includes 15 DUPLO® toy animal figures: an adult and baby giraffe, adult and baby lion, adult and baby panda, adult and baby deer, adult and baby whale, penguin, toucan, fish, rabbit and a squirrel.
- This toddlers' adventure toy features a surf van, airplane and canoe, plus 5 buildable environments representing 4 unique and distinctive worlds: a forest, a savannah, a tropical beach and Antarctica.
- Accessory elements include a surfboard, camera, travel case, spade and drinking mug.
- Savannah measures over 6” (17cm) high, 8” (22cm) wide and 2” (6cm) deep.
- Temple measures over 7” (20cm) high, 10” (27cm) wide and 3” (9cm) deep.
- Car measures over 3” (9cm) high, 5” (14cm) long and 2” (6cm) wide.
- Airplane measures over 4” (11cm) high, 7” (18cm) long and 7” (19cm) wide.
环球动物大集合(World Animals)属于得宝系列积木套组,整个套组包含 121 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 10907 首发于2019年。