乐高®得宝®小美人鱼的海底城堡 (10922) 包含一座美人鱼游乐场,充满有趣的功能和角色扮演故事,能够为孩子带来许多乐趣,并激发他们的思维,培养他们的社交和情感技能。 迪士尼《小美人鱼》技能拓展游戏 这款多功能玩具包含深受儿童喜爱的电影角色爱丽儿和小比目鱼,旨在鼓励孩子们进行富有想象力的角色扮演,促进技能培养。让爱丽儿和小比目鱼乘坐旋转木马,并旋转他们,有助于宝宝发展精细动作技能。这里还有可以玩乐的滑梯,可用来假装弹奏音乐的木琴,以及一口可以打开的沉没宝箱。 场景中包含孩子们喜爱的角色 乐高®得宝®迪士尼拼搭玩具包含熟悉的玩偶、喜爱的地点和许多有趣的功能,能够为学龄前儿童提供理想的趣味学习入门,还能为父母和看护人分享他们小迪士尼粉丝珍贵的成长里程碑创造机会。
- 把宝宝带入充满有趣功能的海底世界,使用来自迪士尼电影《小美人鱼》的爱丽儿和小比目鱼进行角色扮演。旨在启发美人鱼和人类的思维!
- 深受喜爱的儿童电影角色爱丽儿和小比目鱼能够促进宝宝的情感技能培养;游乐场充满很酷的功能和配件,能够启发角色扮演故事。
- 孩子们可以让爱丽儿和小比目鱼乘坐旋转木马,滑滑梯,用木琴演奏音乐,以及打开沉没的宝箱,玩乐同时还可以培养自己的精细动作技能和创造性思维!
- 这款多功能学龄前儿童玩具套装包含适于小手拾取和拼搭的元件。可作为 2 岁及以上男孩和女孩的一份很棒圣诞节、生日或任何其它日子的礼物。
- 乐高®得宝®小美人鱼的海底城堡 (10922) 尺寸为:高 28 厘米、宽 20 厘米和深 13 厘米,可与其它得宝玩具套装轻松组合,获取更多创意玩乐机会。
- 无需电池。无需电池的动手游戏能够吸引并启发孩子,为他们带来乐趣,当玩乐完全由孩子自己的想象力驱动时,有助于充分发展他们的各项技能。
- 父母和看护人可以借助随附的简易拼搭说明与宝宝共享拼搭乐趣。还可以重新安排不同的元件,创造更多玩乐机会。
- 乐高®得宝®迪士尼玩具套装旨在启发孩子们使用深受欢迎的电影角色在熟悉的场景中进行创意玩乐,为父母和看护人分享孩子珍贵的成长里程碑创造机会。
- 乐高®得宝®拼搭套装符合最高行业标准,以确保小手们能够轻松拾取、拼搭和拆解——自 1969 年以来一直如此!
- 在乐高集团,我们对乐高®得宝®积木和组件进行跌落、加热、挤压、扭曲测试和分析,以确保每位小拼搭师的得宝玩具套装均符合全球最高安全和质量标准。
Imaginative role-play toy with Disney s Ariel and Flounder
LEGO® DUPLO® ¦ Disney Ariel's Undersea Castle (10922) entertains and stimulates young minds, developing social and emotional skills with a mermaid’s playground full of fun features and role-play stories.
Developmental play with Disney’s The Little Mermaid
Featuring popular kids' movie characters Ariel and Flounder, this versatile toy is designed to encourage imaginative role play and inspire developmental progress. Turning Ariel and Flounder around on the carousel helps to build toddlers' fine motor skills. There’s also a slide to play on, a xylophone to make pretend music with, and a sunken treasure chest to open.
Characters kids love in settings they’ll adore
With familiar figures, favorite locations and lots of fun features, LEGO® DUPLO® ¦ Disney building toys provide preschoolers with the perfect introduction to playful learning – and provide parents and caregivers with a chance to share precious developmental milestones with their little Disney fan.
- Take toddlers to an undersea world of fun features and role-play adventures with Ariel and Flounder from Disney’s The Little Mermaid movie. Designed to stimulate and inspire the minds of mermaids and humans alike!
- Much-loved kids’ movie characters Ariel and Flounder will encourage toddlers' emotional development; and the playground is packed with cool features and accessories to inspire role-play stories.
- Kids develop their fine motor skills and creative thinking as they turn Ariel and Flounder around on the carousel, play on the slide, make pretend music on the xylophone and unlock the sunken treasure chest!
- This versatile preschooler playset contains elements that are easy for small hands to pick up and place. A great Christmas, birthday or any-day-of-the-year gift for boys and girls aged 2 and up.
- LEGO® DUPLO® ¦ Disney Ariel's Undersea Castle (10922) measures over 11” (28cm) high, 7” (20cm) wide and 5” (13cm) deep and combines easily with other DUPLO playsets for evenmore imaginative play possibilities.
- No batteries needed. Battery-free, hands-on play stimulates, engages and entertains young children, unlocking countless developmental benefits as the fun is fueled purely by their own imaginations.
- Parents and caregivers can use the simple instructions included to share the set-building fun with their toddler. Also, the different elements can be rearranged to create endless new play possibilities.
- LEGO® DUPLO® ¦ Disney playsets are designed to stimulate and inspire preschoolers using popular movie characters in familiar settings, while parents and caregivers share precious developmental milestones.
- LEGO® DUPLO® building sets meet the highest industry standards to ensure they are easy for little fingers to pick up, place and pull apart – and it's been that way since 1969.
- At the LEGO Group, we drop, heat, crush, twist and analyze LEGO® DUPLO® bricks and pieces to make sure every little builder's DUPLO playset meets the highest global safety and quality standards.
小美人鱼爱丽儿的海底城堡(Ariel's Undersea Castle)属于得宝系列积木套组,整个套组包含 35 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 10922 首发于2020年。