把这款乐高®得宝®小镇航空任务 (10944) 奖励给宝宝,观察他们的想象力及其它各项技能迅猛发展。
- 这款乐高®得宝®小镇航空任务 (10944) 玩具套装内容丰富多彩,能够启发创意角色扮演,促进孩子身心全面发展。快把这款套装奖励给小宇航员吧!
- 包含男宇航员和女宇航员人偶、可拼搭的宇宙飞船(带有可打开的船体和可以转动的轮子)、可移动的梯子,以及带轮子的越野车,车上载有可转动的雷达。
- 孩子们可以探索精彩有趣的开放式世界,同时发展自己的认知思维、空间推理能力和精细动作技能。
- 这款宇宙飞船玩具非常适合学龄前儿童,可作为他们的一份很棒生日、圣诞节或节日礼物。
- 这款玩具套装尺寸为:高 20 厘米、宽 15 厘米和深 9 厘米,可以许多不同的方式进行拼搭和摆放,还可以与其它乐高®得宝®小镇系列玩具轻松组合。
- 拼搭说明包含一个有趣的图画故事,其中涉及本套装的一些模型,能够为创意拼搭和玩乐增添额外的乐趣。
- 乐高®得宝®玩具套装经过专门设计,拥有富有想象力的功能,以鼓励进行亲子共同参与的开放式玩乐。
- 乐高®得宝®玩具套装符合严格的行业质量标准,以确保小手们能够轻松抓取、放置和拆解——自 1969 年以来一直如此!
- 我们对所有乐高®得宝®积木和组件进行跌落、加热、挤压、扭曲测试和分析,以确保它们都符合严格的儿童安全标准。
Launch toddlers into a universe of imaginative play
Treat a toddler to the LEGO® DUPLO® Town Space Shuttle Mission (10944) and watch their imaginations and developmental skills skyrocket.
Kids’ space rocket learning toy
This toddler-friendly space toy has got it all. Little astronauts launch into a universe of open-ended, play with parents and playtime partners as they build the space shuttle, blast astronauts into space, and act out endless stories of exploration and discovery. And, as kids’ imaginations take them out of this world, their cognitive thinking, spatial reasoning and fine motor skills will soar.
Hands-on educational toys for toddlers
LEGO DUPLO toys put open-ended fun, self-expression and joyful learning into preschoolers’ hands. With DUPLO playsets, parents and young children can share precious developmental milestones as they play together.
- Treat a budding astronaut to the LEGO® DUPLO® Town Space Shuttle Mission (10944). This versatile playset inspires endless imaginative role play and encourages physical and mental development.
- Includes male and female astronaut figures, a buildable space shuttle with an opening body and wheels that turn, a movable ladder, and a buggy with wheels and a turning radar on top.
- Kids develop their cognitive thinking, spatial reasoning and fine motor skills as they explore an infinite universe of open-ended, play.
- This toddler-friendly space shuttle toy is an out-of-this-world treat for preschoolers aged 2 and up. It makes a great gift for a kid’s birthday, Christmas or holiday.
- Measures over 7.5 in. (20 cm) high, 6 in. (15 cm) wide and 3.5 in. (9 cm) deep. The playset can be arranged in many different ways and easily combines with other LEGO® DUPLO® Town toys.
- Building instructions include a fun picture story involving models from the set to add an extra element of enjoyment to the creative construction and imaginative play.
- All LEGO® DUPLO® playsets are expertly designed with imaginative features to encourage open-ended developmental play that parents can share with their little ones.
- LEGO® DUPLO® playsets meet stringent industry quality standards that ensure they are easy for little fingers to pick up, place and pull apart – it’s been that way since 1969.
- LEGO® DUPLO® bricks and pieces are dropped, heated, crushed, twisted and analyzed to ensure they satisfy demanding child safety standards.
航空任务(Space Shuttle Mission)属于得宝系列积木套组,整个套组包含 23 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 10944 首发于2021年。