与宝宝一起踏上乐高®得宝®小镇马卡龙主题游乐园 (10956) 之旅,探索一系列精彩的游乐设施,其旨在吸引迅速成长中的宝宝,激发心智,为他们带来快乐。
在游乐园中,与 7 个得宝角色(2 名女游客、1 名男游客和 4 个孩子)一起体验色彩缤纷、趣味十足的乐趣!这款玩具内容精彩丰富,可以滑下滑梯,骑乘机械式旋转木马,操作带有 3 个彩色客厢的旋转式摩天轮,购买热狗,还可以玩冰淇淋、相机、气球、纸杯蛋糕、扫帚、泰迪熊,甚至还有可以变换颜色的“彩虹”灯,可供营造逼真的游乐园气氛。
- 手操作功能和家庭乐趣,以吸引迅速成长中的宝宝,激发心智,为他们带来快乐。
- 包含 7 个得宝®角色:2 名女游客、1 名男游客和 4 个孩子,以及 2 架滑梯、机械式旋转木马、带有 3 个彩色客厢的旋转式摩天轮、推动式火车及其它有趣的模型。
- 配件包括热狗、冰淇淋、相机、气球、纸杯蛋糕、扫帚、泰迪熊等,可供进行丰富多彩的角色扮演。这里甚至还有可以变换颜色的“彩虹”灯(内含 3 块 LR44 电池)。
- 这款大型玩具套装色彩多样、细节丰富,充满玩乐机会和技能发展乐趣,以启发创意玩乐、增强精细动作技能和激发想象力。
- 这款功能丰富的游乐园套装能够启发 2 岁及以上的孩子边玩边学,允许父母分享他们珍贵的成长历程。
- 本玩具套装尺寸为:高 28 厘米、宽 123 厘米和深 28 厘米,可以不同的方式进行拼搭和摆放,还可与其它乐高®得宝®玩具组合。
- 拼搭说明包含有趣的图画故事,其中涉及本套装的一些积木颗粒,能够为创意拼搭和玩乐增添额外的乐趣。
- 乐高®得宝®玩具套装经过专门设计,拥有富有想象力的功能,以鼓励进行亲子共同参与的开放式玩乐。
- 乐高®得宝®玩具套装符合严格的行业质量标准,以确保小手们能够轻松抓取、放置和拆解——自 1969 年以来一直如此!
- 我们对所有乐高®得宝®积木和组件进行跌落、加热、挤压、扭曲测试和分析,以确保它们都符合严格的儿童安全标准。
Family fun at the Amusement Park
Join your toddler on an imaginative trip to the LEGO® DUPLO® Town Amusement Park (10956) and explore an amazing mix of attractions designed to engage, entertain and stimulate growing minds.
Family fun at the fair!Join 7 DUPLO characters – 2 women, 1 man and 4 children – for colourful, captivating developmental fun at the fairground! This multifaceted toy features slides to whizz down, a mechanical carousel to ride, a large Ferris wheel with 3 colourful cabins to operate, a train to drive around the park, hot dogs to buy, plus an ice cream, camera, balloons, cupcakes, broom and teddy bear. There’s even a colour-changing ‘rainbow’ light to create an authentic funfair atmosphere.
Hands-on educational toys for toddlersLEGO DUPLO toys put open-ended fun, self-expression and joyful learning into preschoolers’ hands. With DUPLO playsets, parents and young children can share precious developmental milestones as they build together.
- LEGO® DUPLO® Town Amusement Park (10956) is packed with amazing attractions, hands-on features and family fun to engage, entertain and stimulate growing minds.
- Includes 7 DUPLO® characters – 2 women, 1 man and 4 children – 2 slides, a mechanical carousel, a turning Ferris wheel with 3 colorful cabins, a push-along train and lots of fun extras.
- Accessories such as hot dogs, ice cream, camera, balloons, cupcakes, broom and a teddy bear encourage endless role play. There’s even a color-changing ‘rainbow’ light (3 LR44 batteries included).
- This large, colorful and detailed playset is filled with play possibilities and developmental fun to inspire creative play, strengthen fine motor skills and captivate preschoolers’ imaginations.
- This feature-packed funfair provides endless playful learning for kids aged 2 and up, and a chance for parents to share precious developmental milestones with their little one.
- The playset measures over 11 in. (28 cm) high, 48 in. (123 cm) wide and 11 in. (28 cm) deep and can be arranged in different ways and combined with other LEGO® DUPLO® toys.
- Building instructions include a fun picture story involving elements of the set to add extra enjoyment to the creative construction and imaginative play.
- All LEGO® DUPLO® playsets are expertly designed with imaginative features to encourage open-ended developmental play that parents can share with their little ones.
- LEGO® DUPLO® playsets fulfill stringent industry quality standards to ensurethey are easy for little fingers to pick up, place and pull apart – it’s been that way since 1969.
- LEGO® DUPLO® bricks and pieces are dropped, heated, crushed, twisted and analyzed to make sure they meet rigorous child safety standards.
马卡龙主题游乐园(Amusement Park)属于得宝系列积木套组,整个套组包含 95 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 10956 首发于2021年。