英雄们,请做好行动准备!凶猛的巨颌兽拥有强壮的下颌和复眼,他们从地震留下的裂缝中涌出,正在威胁 暗坡城的平民。强袭能够使用通信装置及时将威胁告知其他英雄吗?一把矛是否足以干掉这个强壮的生物?巨颌兽是否会用它能够撕裂一切的嘴咬住 强袭 并将他拖入地下?包括 强袭迷你机器人,配备武器和配件。
Launch an attack on the heroes with JAW Beast!
Prepare for action, heroes! JAW Beast, a ferocious creature with vicious claws and many eyes, has emerged from the crevice left by the earthquake and is threatening the civilians of Antropolis City. Can STORMER warn the heroes of the threat in time using his com device? Will a spear be enough to take down the mighty creature or will JAW Beast grab STORMER with its snapping mouth and drag him underground? Includes STORMER mini robot with a weapon and accessory.