僵尸是电子游戏《我的世界》中的标志性敌对生物。现在,10 岁及以上的《我的世界》玩家可以拼搭属于他们自己的乐高®方头仔僵尸 (40626)。这款细节丰富的逼真人偶直立高度为8 厘米(3 英寸),其配有一块展示底板,既适合手动玩乐,也可以展示起来,令观赏者们艳羡不已。
- 适合《我的世界》玩家的礼物——这款乐高®方头仔僵尸 (40626) 是《我的世界》标志性敌对生物之一的拼搭模型版
- 逼真的细节——这位《我的世界》角色的重现版色彩亮丽、设计精准,手中握着一柄斧子
- 专为玩乐和展示而设计——这款玩偶属于方头仔系列(单独出售),直立高度为8 厘米(3 英寸),配有底板,以便于展示
Zombies are the iconic hostile mobs from the Minecraft® video game. And now, Minecraft players aged 10 and up can build their own LEGO® BrickHeadz™ Zombie (40626). The authentically detailed figure stands over 3 in. (8 cm) tall and features a baseplate stand, making it perfect for hands-on play as well as putting on show for all to admire.
- Gift for Minecraft® players – LEGO® BrickHeadz™ Zombie (40626) is a buildable model of one of Minecraft’s iconic hostile mobs
- Authentic details – This brightly colored and accurate recreation of the Minecraft® character holds an axe in its hand
- Made for play and display – One of a series of BrickHeadz™ models (sold separately), the figure stands over 3 in. (8 cm) tall and comes with a baseplate for easy display
僵尸(Zombie)属于方头仔系列积木套组,整个套组包含 81 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 40626 首发于2023年,之后被无牌等国产积木品牌所复刻。