这款乐高®好朋友新闻采访车 (41749) 套装专为 6 岁及以上的孩子准备,喜欢角色扮演和野生动物的孩子可从中找到许多灵感。吃苦耐劳的阿莉娅致力于为社区中心报道最新消息。新闻采访车内为阿莉娅制作和分享新闻故事准备好了一切,其中包括屏幕、灯、摄像机、麦克风、笔记本和笔。孩子们可以讲述伐木工人前来砍树的消息。拍摄好故事之后,孩子们可让阿莉娅进入新闻采访车的控制室,编辑并播报新闻。此套装包含 2 个迷你玩偶、1 个微型玩偶和许多配件。
借助 LEGO Builder 应用程序,孩子们可以进行轻松直观的拼搭冒险,还可以在其中缩放和旋转三维模型,保存套装,以及跟踪进度。
- 专为 6 岁及以上孩子准备的新闻记者游戏——借助这款乐高®好朋友新闻采访车 (41749),有志于保护野生动物的孩子会获得长时间的玩乐体验
- 3 个角色及许多配件——此套装包含乐高®好朋友角色阿莉娅、伐木工彼得及护林员达雷尔
- 拍摄并报道新闻——孩子们借助配件可以创造各式各样的新闻编辑部故事,系列配件包括对讲机、麦克风、守护鸟蛋的猫头鹰、标志和电锯
- 表演故事——孩子们可以反复录制新闻。可将树枝击断,鸟蛋也会从鸟巢中落下,位于伸缩式升降架上的摄像机捕捉了这一过程
- 适合新闻记者和野生动物爱好者的礼物——这款乐高®好朋友套装可作为 6 岁及以上喜欢拍摄和报道当地新闻的孩子的很棒礼物
- 尺寸非常适合年轻的拼搭师——这款乐高®好朋友新闻采访车尺寸为:高 10 厘米(4 英寸)、长 14 厘米(5.5 英寸)和宽 8 厘米(3 英寸)
- 得力助手——可从 LEGO® Builder 应用程序中找到直观的说明,此应用程序允许拼搭师在培养新技能的过程中,缩放和旋转三维模型,跟踪进度,以及保存套装
- 新一代心湖城——在 2023 年 1 月,乐高®好朋友世界进行了扩展,引入一系列新角色和新地点,以带来更多角色扮演冒险
- 优质产品——乐高®组件符合严格的行业标准,以确保它们均一致、匹配,且易于拼搭:自 1958 年以来一直如此
- 安全第一——我们对乐高®好朋友积木和组件进行跌落、加热、挤压、扭曲测试及分析,以确保它们都符合严格的全球安全标准
A creative gift that inspires kids to explore how the news is reported.
Kids who love role play and wildlife will find lots of inspiration in this LEGO® Friends Newsroom Van (41749) set for ages 6 and up. Hardworking Aliya is committed to reporting the latest news for the community center. Inside the van there’s everything Aliya needs to create and share news stories, including screens, lights, cameras, microphones, and a notebook and pen. Kids can tell the unfolding story as a logger arrives to cut down a tree. After filming the story, kids can move Aliya into thecontrol room inside the van to edit and broadcast the news. The set comes with 2 mini-dolls, 1 micro-doll and lots of accessories.
Boost the funKids can enjoy an easy and intuitive building adventure with the LEGO Builder app. Here they can zoom in and rotate models in 3D, save sets and track their progress.
Meet the next generation of Heartlake CityInspire kids to develop their passions as they explore the new world of LEGO Friends with its diverse cast of characters.
- News-reporter play for kids aged 6+ – Kids who are passionate about protecting wildlife can enjoy hours of play with this LEGO® Friends Newsroom Van toy (41749)
- 3 characters and accessories – The set comes with LEGO® Friends characters Aliya, Peter the logger, and Darrel, who is protesting about the tree being cut down
- Filming and reporting the news – Kids can create endless newsroom stories with the accessories, which include a walkie-talkie, microphone, an owl with an egg, a sign and a chainsaw
- Act out the story – Kids can enjoy recording the news time after time. The tree branch can be knocked down, causing the egg to fall from the nest, while the extendable camera crane captures the events
- A gift for roving reporters and wildlife lovers – This LEGO® Friends set makes a gift idea for any child aged 6 and up who would love to film and report local news
- Sized for young builders – The LEGO® Friends Newsroom Van measures over 4 in. (10 cm) high, 5.5 in. (14 cm) long and 3 in. (8 cm) wide
- A helping hand – Discover intuitive instructions in the LEGO® Builder app, where builders can zoom in and rotate models in 3D, track their progress and save sets as they develop new skills
- A new generation of Heartlake City – In January 2023, the LEGO® Friends universe expanded to introduce new characters and new locations to inspire more role-play adventures
- A quality product – All LEGO® components meet strict industry standards to ensure they are consistent, compatible and easy to build with: it’s been that way since 1958
- Safety first – LEGO® Friends bricks and pieces are dropped, heated, crushed, twisted and analyzed to make sure they meet stringent global safety standards
新闻采访车(News Van)属于好朋友系列积木套组,整个套组包含 446 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 41749 首发于2023年。