乐高®盖比的娃娃屋 (10788) 充满屋顶活动,可为 4 岁及以上的孩子带来无穷乐趣。送给梦工厂动画公司《盖比的娃娃屋》剧迷一座属于他们自己的 8 房间房屋。
盖比的娃娃屋包含 8 个色彩多样的房间,由可以滑动的电梯相连。每个房间都充满有趣的活动。如孩子们可以在厨房烘焙蛋糕,在游戏室滑滑梯,在艺术室发挥创意,在音乐室弹奏钢琴,在浴室关爱自己,在卧室小睡一会儿,或者前往屋顶旋转舞台参加派对。还可以与 4 个深受喜爱的电视剧角色一起进行冒险:盖比、熊小猫、人鱼猫和蛋糕猫。这款套装提供图画故事拼搭指南,LEGO Builder 应用程序也拥有直观的缩放和旋转工具。大块的入门积木可确保立刻体验拼搭的乐趣。
4+ 系列套装是成人与孩子分享拼搭和玩乐的乐趣及成长历程的很好途径。
- 8 房间玩具屋——这款乐高®盖比的娃娃屋 (10788) 包含深受欢迎的角色和逼真的配件。玩乐此套装,4 岁及以上梦工厂动画公司《盖比的娃娃屋》的剧迷可以探索属于他们自己的房屋
- 4 个标志性角色——孩子们可以与盖比迷你玩偶及熊小猫、人鱼猫和蛋糕猫玩偶一起玩乐
- 逼真的配件——包含香蕉、浆果、纸杯蛋糕、碗、瓶子、剪刀、画笔、调色板、发刷、洗发水瓶、书籍、花朵、麦克风、吉他、萨克斯管等
- 有许多事物可供探索——孩子们可以在厨房烘烤食物,在游戏室滑滑梯,在音乐室演奏乐器,在浴室放松休息,在卧室小睡一会儿,或者在屋顶参加派对
- 专为盖比粉丝准备的礼物——此套装提供入门积木,简单易拼,有助于喜爱《盖比的娃娃屋》的孩子在进行创意玩乐的过程中培养关键的技能
- 屋顶充满乐趣——这款娃娃屋尺寸为:高 34 厘米(13.5 英寸)、宽 31 厘米(12.5 英寸)和深 9 厘米(3.5 英寸)
- 有趣的拼搭指南——纸质版图解指南清晰展示了每一个拼搭步骤,而 LEGO® Builder 应用程序为孩子们提供了数字缩放和旋转工具,以便他们在拼搭过程中查看自己的模型
- 扩展乐趣——品类繁多的乐高® 4+ 系列套装可将孩子们带入一个广阔的世界,其中充满他们喜爱的影视角色和日常英雄
- 品质保证——乐高®组件符合严格的行业质量标准,以确保它们均一致、匹配,且每次都可以轻松拼搭
- 安全保证——我们对乐高®组件进行跌落、加热、挤压、扭曲测试及分析,以确保它们都符合严格的全球安全标准
Gabby's Dollhouse: 8 rooms filled up to the roof with fun!
LEGO® Gabby’s Dollhouse (10788) is packed to the rooftop with activities and fun for kids aged 4+. Treat a fan of the DreamWorks Animation TV show to an 8-room house of their own.
Lots to explore on every floorGabby’s Dollhouse features 8 colorful rooms connected by a sliding elevator. Each room is filled with activities. For example, kids can bake in the kitchen, use a slide in the playroom, get creative in the art room, play piano in the music room, pamper themselves in the bathroom, take a nap in the bedroom or head to the rooftop for a party on the rotatable dance floor. Kids share their adventures with 4 popular characters from the show: Gabby, Pandy Paws, Cakey and MerCat. There’s a picture-story building guide, and the LEGO Builder app has intuitive zoom and rotate tools. A large Starter Brick ensures the building fun begins right away.
Fun for families to share4+ sets are the perfect way for adults to share build-and-play fun and developmental milestones with youngsters.
- 8-room playhouse – Fans of the DreamWorks Animation TV show aged 4+ can explore a home of their own with LEGO® Gabby’s Dollhouse (10788), featuring popular characters and authentic accessories
- 4 iconic characters – Kids join in the fun with a Gabby mini-doll figure, plus Pandy Paws, MerCat and Cakey figures
- Authentic accessories – Includes a banana, berry, cupcake, cup, bowl, bottle, scissors, paintbrush, palette, hairbrush, shampoo bottle, book, flower, microphone, guitar, saxophone and lots more
- Loads to discover – Kids can bake in the kitchen, slide in the playroom, get arty in the art room, play instruments in the music room, relax in the bathroom, nap in the bedroom or party on the roof
- Gift for Gabby fans – With a Starter Brick and simple building steps, kids with a passion for Gabby's Dollhouse will develop key skills as they enjoy endless imaginative play
- Packed to the rooftop with fun – The dollhouse measures over 13.5 in. (34 cm) high, 12.5 in. (31 cm) wide and 3.5 in. (9 cm) deep
- Fun building guide – A printed picture guide shows the purpose of each building step, and the LEGO® Builder app offers digital zoom and rotate tools so kids can visualize their model as they build
- Expand the fun – The wide range of LEGO® 4+ sets introduces children to a universe of movie favorites, TV characters and everyday heroes
- Quality guaranteed – LEGO® components fulfill stringent industry quality standards to ensure they are consistent, compatible and connect smoothly every time
- Safety assured – LEGO® components are dropped, heated, crushed, twisted and analyzed to make sure they satisfy rigorous global safety standards
盖比的娃娃屋(Gabby's Dollhouse)属于影视游戏系列积木套组,整个套组包含 498 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 10788 首发于2023年。