借助这款激动人心的梦境村落 (40657) 拼搭玩具套装,让 7 岁及以上的孩子们探索源自电视节目《乐高®梦境城猎人™》的奇幻场景。村落是英雄们在睡梦中常去的一个梦幻般的地方,也是一系列梦境生物和有趣事物的发生地,这里有魔法商店、面包店和铁匠铺。孩子们可以表演购物场景,也可以重新布置内含的模块,建造一座防御塔,准备抵御夜魔爪牙的攻击!
A whimsical build based on the LEGO® DREAMZzz" TV show
Let kids aged 7+explore a magical setting from the LEGO® DREAMZzz™ TV show with this exciting Dream Village (40657) building toy set. A fantastical location frequently visited by the heroes during their sleep, the village is home to an array of dream creatures and charming businesses such as the magic shop, bakery and blacksmith’s workshop. Kids can choose to play out a shopping scene or rearrange the included modules to create a defense tower to prepare for Grimspawn attacks!