这款乐高® ǀ 迪士尼 Asha 的别致住所 (43231) 玩具套装包含 Asha 的家,其源自华特迪士尼动画工作室即将上映的电影《星愿 (Wish)》,会令 7 岁及以上的孩子心动不已。此套装包含一座 2 层的建筑,其拥有可以打开的铰接式侧面、放有笑脸蛋糕的桌子,存放有笔记本、勺子和叉子的储藏柜,以及楼上的卧室,内设床铺和壁炉。这款套装还包含一口许愿井和许多其它玩乐配件。可将这款乐高 ǀ 迪士尼拼搭套装与本系列的其它套装(43223 和 43224 – 单独出售)组合,带来更多玩乐机会。在拼搭过程中,借助 LEGO Builder 应用程序,孩子们可以得到简易直观的帮助。他们可以缩放和旋转三维模型,保存套装,以及跟踪进度。
此套装包含 4 个角色:Asha、她的妈妈 Sakina、外公 Sabino 和 Star,可以激发孩子的热情,促进他们在探索这座住所的过程中进行角色扮演。这款拼搭模型适合带到玩伴聚会上,还可作为一份有趣的礼物,满足孩子对魔法和愿望的向往之情。
- 玩乐灵感——可将这款乐高® ǀ 迪士尼 Asha 的别致住所 (43231) 拼搭套装送给迪士尼电影爱好者或 7 岁及以上喜爱魔法和愿望的孩子
- 包装盒中都有些什么呢?——内含一座 2 层的圆形房屋,可以打开,其源自华特迪士尼动画工作室即将上映的电影《星愿 (Wish)》。此模型设有许愿井、厨房、卧室,以及许多可以激发故事灵感的内容
- 特殊角色——这款拼搭套装包含 Asha、Sakina 和 Sabino 乐高® ǀ 迪士尼迷你玩偶,以及一个 Star 乐高 ǀ 迪士尼玩偶,可为玩伴日带来无尽的角色扮演机会
- 适合 7 岁及以上孩子的礼物——迪士尼粉丝和喜爱精彩故事的孩子一定会喜欢上这款拼搭套装,其可以启发冒险灵感,将他们的想象力提升到新的水平
- 玩乐和展示——这款住所打开后尺寸为:高 13 厘米(5 英寸)、宽 22 厘米(9 英寸)和深 13 厘米(5 英寸),拥有许多房间可供探索,许多故事可供讲述
- 更多乐趣——孩子们可以收藏本系列的其它乐高®拼搭套装(43223 和 43224 – 单独出售),打造属于他们自己的罗萨斯王国,表演精彩的故事,体验更多乐趣
- 全新的拼搭方式——让 LEGO® Builder 应用程序引导孩子们踏上直观的拼搭冒险之旅。他们可以在拼搭过程中保存套装,跟踪拼搭进度,以及缩放和旋转三维模型
- 培养技能——这款拼搭套装包含 3 个乐高® ǀ 迪士尼迷你玩偶、一个乐高 ǀ 迪士尼 Star 玩偶和一座可以打开的住所,可以促进孩子进行创意玩乐,帮助他们在欢乐中提升重要的生活技能
- 对质量决不妥协——自 1958 年以来,乐高®组件一直符合严格的行业标准,以确保它们均一致、匹配
Delight fans with a buildable set including a 2-level house, wishing well, 3 LEGO® | Disney mini-doll figures and a LEGO | Disney Star figure.
Captivate kids aged 7 and over with Asha’s home from Walt Disney Animation Studios’ upcoming film, Wish, in this LEGO® | Disney Asha’s Cottage (43231) construction playset. Inside is a 2-level building with hinged, opening sides, a table with a smiley-face cake, cabinets with a notebook, spoon and fork, and a bedroom upstairs with a bed and fireplace. There’s also a wishing well and loads of other play accessories. Add this LEGO | Disney buildable set to others in the series (43223 and 43224, sold separately) to expand the play. As they build, kids get easy and intuitive assistance with the LEGO Builder app. They can zoom in and rotate models in 3D, save sets and track their progress.
Unique cottage and charactersThe set includes 4 characters – Asha, her mum Sakina, her granddad Sabino and Star – to encourage role play as kids explore the cottage. Fulfil a child’s passion for magic and wishes with a buildable model that’s easy to take out for playdates and makes a fun gift.
- Play inspiration – Give any fan of Disney films or kid aged 7 and over who loves magic and wishes this LEGO® | Disney Asha’s Cottage (43231) building kit
- What’s in the box – Inside is a 2-level, round, opening cottage from Walt Disney Animation Studios’ upcoming film, Wish, with a wishing well, kitchen, bedroom and loads of story-starters
- Special characters – With Asha, Sakina and Sabino LEGO® | Disney mini-doll figures, plus a Star LEGO | Disney figure, the constructable set offers limitless role-play options for easy playdates
- Gift for ages 7 and over – Disney fans and kids who love fantastic stories will enjoy this building set, which inspires adventures and takes their imaginations to new levels of play
- Play and display – The open cottage measures over 13 cm (5 in.) high, 22 cm (9 in.) wide and 13 cm (5 in.) deep, with rooms to explore and stories to tell
- Even more fun – Kids can add to the fun by collecting the other LEGO® buildable sets in the series (43223 and 43224 – sold separately) and making their own Kingdom of Rosas to play out their stories
- A new way to build – Let the LEGO® Builder app guide kids on an intuitive building adventure. They can save sets, track their progress and zoom in and rotate models in 3D while they build
- Build skills – With 3 LEGO® | Disney mini-doll figures, a LEGO | Disney Star figure and an opening cottage, this construction set fosters creative play that boosts vital life skills through fun
- Uncompromising quality – Ever since 1958, LEGO® components have met stringent industry standards to ensure they connect consistently
- Safety first – LEGO® components are dropped, heated, crushed, twisted and analysed to make sure this Disney Wish buildable toy set meets rigorous global safety standards
星愿:Asha的别致住所(Asha's Cottage)属于迪士尼公主系列积木套组,整个套组包含 509 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 43231 首发于2023年。