玩乐这款海龙王的沉船探险 (71432),创造一个激动人心的乐高®超级马力欧™水下关卡,准备进行探宝。与交互式乐高®马力欧™、乐高®路易吉™或乐高®桃花公主™人偶(本品不含这些人偶)一起骑乘海龙王,探索沉船。注意:进行交互式玩乐需要用到 71360、71387 或 71403 入门套组。
这款拼搭玩具专为 7 岁及以上的孩子准备,包含 4 个乐高积木拼搭的超级马力欧™玩偶:海龙王、泡泡鱼、大嘴鱼和鱿鱿。可以转动平台,显露出隐藏在贝壳中的钥匙砖块,然后打开藏宝箱,拿出宝石。 ?砖块可以提供随机的奖励,大嘴鱼可以用嘴咬交互式人偶,触发有趣的数字反应。
- 海龙王的沉船探险——使用这款沉船拼搭玩具,为孩子的乐高®超级马力欧™世界带来寻宝活动
- 4 个积木拼搭的超级马力欧™角色——与乐高®马力欧™、乐高®路易吉™或乐高®桃花公主™(本品不含这些人偶)一起骑乘海龙王,击败泡泡鱼、大嘴鱼和鱿鱿
- 交互式冒险玩具,可带来美好的家庭时光——与一个交互式人偶一起探索沉船, 可以旋转平台,显露出贝壳中的钥匙砖块,然后打开藏宝箱,获取宝石
- 具有收藏价值的儿童玩具——可从 ?砖块中获取随机奖励,并观察交互式人偶被大嘴鱼咬后的反应
- 适合 7 岁及以上游戏玩家的礼物——这款内含 500 块组件的套装可作为孩子的有趣礼物。进行交互式玩乐时需要用到乐高®超级马力欧™入门套组(71360、71387 或 71403)
- 乐高®超级马力欧™ App 应用程序——可以下载此应用程序,从中获取拼搭说明、具有启发性的提示等内容。请访问 LEGO.com/devicecheck,获取兼容的安卓和 iOS 设备的列表
- 培养孩子的创造力——乐高®超级马力欧玩具既可以单独玩乐,也适合多人一起玩乐,能够通过扩展和重新拼搭带来角色扮演、数字金币收集和创意挑战
- 模块化套装——在标准结构下,此套装尺寸为:高 17 厘米(6.5 英寸)、宽 30 厘米(12 英寸)和深 21 厘米(8.5 英寸),其可以重新拼搭,还可与其它乐高®超级马力欧套装™ 组合
Dive underwater with a Dorrie and search for treasure in a sunken shipwreck with this LEGO® Super Mario™ collectible toy playset for kids.
Create an exciting LEGO® Super Mario™ underwater level for a treasure hunt with Dorrie's Sunken Shipwreck Adventure Expansion Set (71432). Ride on a Dorrie with an interactive LEGO® Mario™, LEGO® Luigi™ or LEGO® Peach™ figure (figures not included) and explore the shipwreck. Note: the 71360, 71387 or 71403 Starter Course is required for interactive play.
This building toy for kids aged 7 and up, includes 4 LEGO brick-built Super Mario™ character figures – Dorrie, a Cheep Cheep, Cheep Chomp and Blooper. Spin the platform to uncover the Key Block hidden in the clamshell and open the treasure chest to get the gem. The ? Block offers random rewards, and the Cheep Chomp can chomp an interactive figure in its mouth triggering fun digital reactions.
Find building instructions for this set on the LEGO Super Mario app. The app also offers creative ideas for different ways to build and play and provides a safe platform for children to share their creations.
- Dorrie's Sunken Shipwreck Adventure Expansion Set – Add a treasure hunt to children’s world of LEGO® Super Mario™ with this buildable shipwreck toy
- 4 brick-built Super Mario™ character figures – Ride on a Dorrie with LEGO® Mario™, LEGO® Luigi™ or LEGO® Peach™ (figures not included) and defeat the Cheep Cheep, Cheep Chomp and Blooper
- Interactive adventure toy for family fun – Explore the shipwreck with an interactive figure, spin the platform to reveal the Key Block in the clamshell and open the treasure chest to get the gem
- Collectible toy for kids – Gain random rewards from the ? Block and see how an interactive figure reacts to getting chomped by the Cheep Chomp
- Gift for gamers aged 7 and up – This 500-piece set makes a fun gift toy for kids; a LEGO® Super Mario™ Starter Course (71360, 71387 or 71403) is needed for interactive play
- The LEGO® Super Mario™ app – Download the app for building instructions, inspiring tips and more; for a list of compatible Android and iOS devices, visit LEGO.com/devicecheck
- Nurture kids’ creativity – LEGO® Super Mario™ toys are designed for solo or social play, offering role-play, digital coin-collecting and creative challenges through expansion and rebuilding
海龙王的沉船探险(Dorrie's Sunken Shipwreck Adventure)属于超级马力欧系列积木套组,整个套组包含 500 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 71432 首发于2024年。