玩乐这款专为 6 岁及以上的孩子准备的乐高®超级马力欧™拼搭玩具 (71428),与森林中的耀西进行角色扮演。本套装包含乐高超级马力欧玩偶粉红耀西和黄色耀西,以及积木拼搭的森林(内含一棵苹果树)、 耀西蛋。可以帮助耀西从果树上摘下苹果,放进篮子里,然后照料耀西蛋。
如想进行交互式玩乐,可以添加一个来自乐高®超级马力欧™入门套组(71360、71387 或 71403,均单独出售)的乐高®马力欧™、乐高®路易吉™或乐高®桃花公主™人偶。当一个交互式人偶跳上动作标签时,一颗蛋会出现在数字屏幕上。可以像婴儿一样摇晃交互式人偶,将数字蛋孵化,然后看你会从人偶的腹部屏幕上获得哪个耀西。接着进行跳跃和翻转,触发耀西的声音。
可从乐高超级马力欧 App 应用程序上找到这款扩展关卡的拼搭说明,它还提供以不同方式进行拼搭和玩乐的灵感。
- 值得收藏的耀西玩具,包含一颗乐高®耀西蛋——这款乐高®超级马力欧™森林中的耀西和蛋包含一片积木拼搭的森林。玩乐此套装,可以在乐高超级马力欧™的世界里进行角色扮演
- 包含 2 个积木拼搭的超级马力欧™角色——帮助粉红耀西和黄色耀西照料耀西蛋,并从果树上摘下苹果,放进篮子里
- 交互式玩乐——可将乐高®马力欧™、乐高®路易吉™或乐高®桃花公主™(本品不含这些人偶)放入森林,然后跳上动作标签,让蛋出现在数字屏幕上
- 孵化数字耀西蛋——可以进行许多活动,如像婴儿一样摇晃交互式人偶,将数字蛋孵化,进行跳跃和翻转,触发耀西的声音等
- 适合 6 岁及以上孩子的礼物——可将这款内含 107块组件的套装作为男孩、女孩和游戏玩家的节日礼物。进行交互式玩乐时需要用到乐高®超级马力欧™入门套组(71360、71387 或 71403)
- 应用程序辅助式拼搭——可以下载乐高®超级马力欧™ App 应用程序,从中获取拼搭说明、创意灵感等内容。请访问 LEGO.com/devicecheck,获取兼容的安卓和 iOS 设备的列表
- 激发孩子的想象力——乐高®超级马力欧玩具套装既可以单独玩乐,也适合多人一起玩乐,能够通过扩展和重新拼搭带来角色扮演、数字金币收集和创意挑战
- 积木拼搭的森林——耀西的森林尺寸为:高 7 厘米(2.5 英寸)、宽 11 厘米(4.5 英寸)和深 7 厘米(2.5 英寸),可与其它乐高®超级马力欧套装组合
Role-play a picnic with this collectible LEGO® Super Mario™ Yoshi toy playset for kids, featuring a buildable apple tree and the Yoshi’s Egg element.
Let the role-play fun begin with the Yoshis in an egg-cellent forest with this LEGO® Super Mario™ building toy for kids (71428) aged 6+. A cool anytime treat or gift for gamers, it features Pink Yoshi and Yellow Yoshi toy LEGO Super Mario figures, plus a brick-built forest with an apple tree and the Yoshi’s Egg element. Help the Yoshis collect apples from the tree, put them in a basket and look after the Yoshi’s Egg.
For interactive play, add a LEGO® Mario™, LEGO® Luigi™ or LEGO® Peach™ figure from a LEGO Super Mario Starter Course (71360, 71387 or 71403 – each sold separately). When an interactive figure jumps on the Action Tag, an egg appears on its digital screen. Rock the interactive figure like a baby to hatch the digital egg and see which Yoshi you’ll get on the figure’s belly screen. Then jump and flip to trigger the Yoshi’s voice.
Find building instructions for this Expansion Set on the LEGO Super Mario app, which also offers inspiration for different ways to build and play.
- Collectible Yoshi toy for kids with a LEGO® Yoshi Egg element – Role-play in the world of LEGO® Super Mario™ with Yoshis’ Egg-cellent Forest Expansion Set, featuring a brick-built forest
- Includes 2 brick-built Super Mario™ characters – Help the Pink Yoshi and Yellow Yoshi figures look after the Yoshi’s Egg, collect apples from the tree and put them in a basket
- Interactive play – Invite LEGO® Mario™, LEGO® Luigi™ or LEGO® Peach™ (figures not included) into the forest and jump on the Action Tag to make an egg appear on their digital screens
- Hatch the digital Yoshi’s Egg – Rock the interactive figure like a baby to hatch the digital egg, jump and flip it to trigger the Yoshi’s voice, and more
- Gift for kids aged 6 and up – Give this 107-piece set as a holiday gift for girls, boys and gamers; a LEGO® Super Mario™ Starter Course (71360, 71387 or 71403) is needed for interactive play
- App-assisted building – Download the LEGO® Super Mario™ app for building instructions, creative inspiration and more; for a list of compatible Android and iOS devices, visit LEGO.com/devicecheck
- Inspire kids’ imaginations – LEGO® Super Mario™ toy playsets are designed for solo or social play, offering role-play, digital coin-collecting and creative challenges through expansion and rebuilding
- Buildable forest – The Yoshis’ forest measures over 2.5 in. (7 cm) high, 4.5 in. (11 cm) wide and 2.5 in. (7 cm) deep and can be added to other LEGO® Super Mario™ sets
森林中的耀西和蛋(Yoshis' Egg-cellent Forest)属于超级马力欧系列积木套组,整个套组包含 107 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 71428 首发于2024年。