玩乐这款很酷的机车玩具,8 岁及以上的孩子可以获得无穷的快乐。年轻的拼搭师们在拼搭这款乐高®机械组越野赛车 (42164) 的过程中,可以培养自身的技能。他们可以测试自己的模型,让玩乐体验继续。这款套装包含系列源自真实越野赛车的逼真细节,其中包括后部悬挂系统、可以活动的 4 缸发动机和很酷的伸缩式转向装置。本套装可作为喜爱机车和赛车玩具的孩子的很棒奖励或礼物。
乐高机械组拼搭套装将逼真的细节与交互式模型结合在一起,能够促进年轻的乐高拼搭师了解更多关于工程的知识。借助 LEGO Builder 应用程序,还可以为孩子带来趣味十足的拼搭探险,他们可以在其中缩放和旋转三维模型,跟踪进度。
- 专为 8 岁及以上孩子准备的拼搭玩具——拼搭和玩乐这款专为喜爱机车玩具的男孩和女孩准备的乐高®机械组越野赛车,赛车迷们可以获得很多快乐
- 4 缸发动机——这款汽车玩具拥有源自真实越野赛车的逼真细节,其中包括可以活动的 4 缸发动机
- 转向装置和悬挂系统——孩子们可以测试他们的汽车,尝试后部悬挂系统和伸缩式转向装置,后者能够让越野车灵活地左右倾斜
- 适合孩子的汽车礼物——本套装可作为喜爱机车或汽车拼搭套装的男孩和女孩的有趣奖励或礼物
- 认识工程世界——乐高®机械组拼搭模型套装拥有逼真的动作和机械装置,能够将年轻的乐高拼搭师们带入工程的世界
- 小巧的乐高®套装——本套装内含 219 块组件,其中的汽车尺寸为:高 9 厘米(3.5 英寸)、长 17 厘米(6.5 英寸)和宽 11 厘米(4 英寸)
A fun buggy race car toy for kids
Kids aged 8 and up enjoy big-time fun with this cool vehicle toy. Young builders develop their skills as they assemble the LEGO® Technic™ Off-Road Race Buggy (42164). The experience continues as they test out their model. It features authentic details inspired by real buggy race cars, including rear suspension, a moving 4-cylinder engine and cool flex steering. This set makes a great treat or gift idea for kids who love vehicles and race car toys.
LEGO Technic construction kits combine realistic details with interactive models to inspire young LEGO builders to learn more about engineering. Give kids a fun building adventure with the LEGO Builder app where they can zoom in and rotate models in 3D and track their progress.
- A building toy for kids aged 8+ – Race car fans can have lots of fun building and playing with the LEGO® Technic™ Off-Road Race Buggy car for boys and girls who love vehicle toys
- 4-cylinder engine – This car toy features authentic details inspired by real buggy race cars, including a moving 4-cylinder engine
- Steering and suspension – Kids put their car to the test as they try out the rear suspension and the flex steering, which lets the buggy tilt nimbly from side to side
- A car gift idea for kids – This set makes a fun treat or gift for boys, girls and kids who love vehicles or car building sets
- An introduction to engineering – LEGO® Technic™ buildable model sets feature realistic movement and mechanisms that introduce young LEGO builders to the universe of engineering
- Small LEGO® set – 219-piece set with a car measuring over 3.5 in. (9 cm) high, 6.5 in. (17 cm) long and 4 in. (11 cm) wide
越野赛车(Off-Road Race Buggy)属于机械组系列积木套组,整个套组包含 219 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 42164 首发于2024年。