玩乐这款乐高®悟空小侠™龙小骄白龙战斗机甲 (80053) 模型拼搭套装,精彩的行动和冒险在等待着 9 及以上的孩子和龙玩具爱好者。这款肢体灵活的展示玩具包含一名机甲战士(拥有铰接式手臂和腿),以及龙小骄和悟空小侠小人仔、3 个机器人玩偶。本玩具套装还包含云霄摩托拼搭玩具、维修站、火箭助推器、武器及其它可激发故事灵感的模型,其中武器包括神龙宝剑、2 个肩部凸粒发射器和金箍棒。
借助 LEGO Builder 应用程序,孩子们可以获得轻松直观的拼搭体验。他们可以缩放和旋转三维模型,保存套装,以及跟踪进度。还可将这款很酷的动作人偶玩具与本系列的其它套装(80050、80051 和 80054,均单独出售)组合,庆祝乐高悟空小侠主题推出 5 周年,带来更多玩乐机会。
- 神龙玩具——9 及以上的男孩和女孩(及成人!)可以玩乐这款肢体灵活的龙小骄白龙战斗机甲玩具,庆祝乐高®悟空小侠系列套装推出 5 周年
- 龙小骄拼搭套装——这款具有收藏价值的乐高®悟空小侠套装包含一个肢体灵活的铰接式机甲、一辆云霄摩托和一座机甲维修站,以及龙小骄和悟空小侠小人仔、3 个机器人玩偶
- 展示模型——孩子们可以利用最新款的悟空小侠玩具发挥创造力,使用龙小骄和悟空小侠对精彩故事进行角色扮演,或者对机甲和摩托进行细部改进
- 适合乐高®粉丝的礼物——可作为喜欢玩乐或展示玩具机甲或动作人偶的男孩或女孩的有趣礼物
- 直观的说明——LEGO® Builder 应用程序能够利用系列工具引导您和您的孩子进行直观的拼搭冒险,这些工具允许你缩放和旋转三维模型,保存套装,以及跟踪拼搭进度
- 行动玩具——这款乐高®悟空小侠™拼搭玩具的设计灵感源自经典名著《西游记》,允许成人与孩子分享孙悟空的传奇故事,趣味十足且具有现代风格
- 乐高®拼搭套装——此套装内装 1002 块组件,包含一个肢体灵活的神龙机甲人偶,其尺寸为:高 28 厘米(11 英寸)、宽 18 厘米(7 英寸)和深 13 厘米(5 英寸)
Action and adventures await kids and dragon toy fans aged 9+ in this LEGO® Monkie Kid™ Mei’s Dragon Mech (80053) model building kit. The posable display toy includes a mech warrior with articulated arms and legs and comes with Mei and Monkie Kid minifigures and 3 service robots. The playset also has a cloud bike buildable toy and a service bay, rocket boosters and weapons – including a dragon sword, 2 shoulder stud shooters and a Golden Staff – and other story starters.
Kids can enjoy an easy and intuitive building adventure with the LEGO Builder app. They can zoom in and rotate models in 3D, save sets and track progress. This cool action figure toy can also be added to others in the series (80050, 80051 and 80054, each sold separately) to celebrate LEGO Monkie Kid’s 5th anniversary and expand play.
Inspired by the classic Journey to the West novel, collectible LEGO Monkie Kid toys are a way for adults to share the Monkey King legend and bond with children in a modern, playful way.
- Dragon toy – Kids, boys and girls ages 9+ (and adults!) can enjoy this posable Mei’s Dragon Mech warrior toy and celebrate the 5th anniversary of LEGO® Monkie Kid™ sets
- Mei building kit – This collectible LEGO® Monkie Kid™ set features a posable toy model articulated mech, cloud bike and a mech service bay, plus Mei and Monkie Kid minifigures and 3 robot figures
- Display Model– Kids can be creative with one of the latest Monkie Kid posable toys and role-play action stories with Mei and Monkie Kid or play out detailed upgrades on the mech and bike
- Gift for LEGO® fans – Makes a fun gift idea for boys, girls and kids who love toy mechs or action figure sets to play with or put their passion on display
- Intuitive instructions – The LEGO® Builder app guides you and your child on an intuitive building adventure with tools that let you zoom in and rotate models in 3D, save sets and track progress
- Action toys – This LEGO® Monkie Kid™ buildable toy is inspired by the classic Journey to the West novel and lets adults share the Monkey King legend with children in a modern and playful way
- LEGO® building set – The 1,002-piece set includes a dragon-inspired mech posable figure that measures over 11 in. (28 cm) high, 7 in. (18 cm) wide and 5 in. (13 cm) deep
龙小骄白龙战斗机甲(Mei's Dragon Mech)属于悟空小侠系列积木套组,整个套组包含 990 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 80053 首发于2024年,之后被无牌等国产积木品牌所复刻。