玩乐这款妮雅飞龙特攻 (71802) 忍者玩具套装,6 岁及以上的男孩和女孩可以重现电视剧《幻影忍者神龙崛起》第 2 季中的精彩场景。孩子们会激动不已地拼搭这款乐高®幻影忍者飞龙动作玩具,然后猛击金色龙尾,看着它突然投入战斗。
这款拼搭套装包含 2 个小人仔:配有武士刀的飞龙妮雅和装备有利爪的恶狼面具利爪武士,其中妮雅可以骑乘神龙。孩子们可以上演忍者之间的精彩战斗,赢取蓝色神龙嘴中的橙色神龙力量组件。
其它的乐高幻影忍者系列儿童忍者玩具包含各式各样的机甲、交通工具和神庙,以便粉丝们与他们的英雄一起进行冒险角色扮演(套装单独出售)。可以使用 LEGO Builder 应用程序拼搭和创造每款玩具,此应用程序会引导您及您的孩子踏上轻松直观的拼搭冒险之旅。
- 专为孩子准备的神龙玩具——玩乐这款滑行式神龙玩具:妮雅飞龙特攻,6 岁及以上的男孩和女孩可以表演电视剧《幻影忍者神龙崛起》第 2 季中的精彩战斗
- 忍者动作玩具——孩子们可将飞龙妮雅放在蓝色神龙后背上,然后猛压金色龙尾,将妮雅和神龙向前方送出
- 2 个乐高®幻影忍者小人仔——这款忍者玩具套装包含装备有迷你武士刀的妮雅小人仔,以便孩子们进行角色扮演,与恶狼面具利爪武士进行战斗
- 神龙力量组件——这款蓝色的神龙玩具的口中衔着一个橙色的神龙力量组件
- 忍者礼物——这款乐高®幻影忍者套装可作为值得给予奖励的孩子的惊喜礼物,带来乐趣十足的拼搭和玩乐体验
- 更大的忍者冒险——查看更多乐高®幻影忍者玩具(单独出售),让它们之间展开竞赛
- 忍者玩具的世界——乐高®幻影忍者套装包含各式各样的机甲、交通工具和神庙,允许孩子与他们的忍者英雄一起进入一个充满精彩冒险的奇幻世界
- 尺寸——这款乐高®拼搭玩具内含 26 块组件,其中的神龙动作玩具尺寸为:高 2 厘米(1 英寸)、长 18 厘米(7 英寸)和宽 18 厘米(7 英寸)
LEGO® NINJAGO® Nya’s Rising Dragon Strike playset lets kids stage ninja adventures with Nya, a Wolf Mask Claw Warrior and a blue dragon action toy.
Boys and girls aged 6 and up can recreate action-packed scenes from season 2 of the NINJAGO® Dragons Rising TV show with Nya’s Rising Dragon Strike (71802) ninja playset. Kids will be excited to build the first-ever LEGO® NINJAGO dragon action toybefore they slam down the dragon’s golden tail and watch as it bursts into action.
This building set comes with 2 minifigures: Rising Dragon Nya, who comes with a katana sword accessory and can ride on the dragon model, and a Wolf Mask Claw Warrior wit h claws. Kids can stage epic battles between the ninja figures to win the orange dragon power element from inside the blue dragon’s posable mouth.
The rest of the LEGO NINJAGO range of buildable ninja toys for kids includes mechs, vehicles and temples so fans can role-play adventures with their heroes (sets sold separately). Each fantasy toy can be created with the LEGO Builder app, which guides you and your child on an easy and intuitive building adventure.
- Action-packed dragon toy for kids – Boys and girls aged 6 and up can play out battles from season 2 of the NINJAGO® Dragons Rising TV show with Nya’s Rising Dragon Strike gliding dragon toy
- Ninja action toy – Kids can place Rising Dragon Nya onthe back of the blue dragon toy, slam down its golden tail and launch them both forward
- 2 LEGO® NINJAGO® minifigures – This ninja playset features a Nya minifigure armed with a mini katana sword accessory so kids can role-play clashes with a Wolf Mask Claw Warrior
- Dragon power element – Blue dragon fantasy toy includes an orange dragon power element in its mouth
- Ninja gift – LEGO® NINJAGO® set provides a fun build-and-play experience and is a gift idea for kids who deserve an unexpected treat
- Bigger ninja adventures – Look out for more LEGO® NINJAGO® toys (sets sold separately) to stage races between them
- A universe of ninja toys for kids – LEGO® NINJAGO® sets include mechs, vehicles and temples, and let kids escape into a fantasy worldof adventure with their ninja heroes
- Measurements – This 26-piece LEGO® building toy includes a dragon action toy measuring over 1 in. (2 cm) high, 7 in. (18 cm) long and 7 in. (18 cm) wide
妮雅飞龙特攻(Nya's Rising Dragon Strike)属于幻影忍者系列积木套组,整个套组包含 26 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 71802 首发于2024年。