玩乐这款专为 2 岁及以上孩子准备的乐高®得宝®小镇养蜂之乐 (10419) 儿童学习玩具,将蜜蜂嗡嗡声带进玩乐时间。这款大自然玩具可以帮助宝宝学习照料动物,关爱大自然,进行可持续生活。
这款动手玩乐式大自然玩具包含 2 只可爱的蜜蜂、一个带有蜂巢的蜂箱、鲜花,以及一辆可以驾驶的卡车。它可以让学龄前儿童了解到,他们养护植物,蜜蜂就可以得到酿制我们喜欢吃的蜂蜜所需的食物。
宝宝们可以拼搭花茎,让它们生长,在此过程中他们会练习自己的精细动作技能。他们可以进行长时间的角色扮演,想象着蜜蜂采集花蜜,然后返回蜂箱酿蜜。本套装还包含 2 个乐高得宝人偶,学龄前儿童可以帮助他们采集蜂蜜,然后将其装上卡车并运送到市集上。
- 学龄前儿童学习玩具——通过这款乐高®得宝®小镇养蜂之乐,让 2 岁及以上的宝宝了解保护大自然的重要性
- 助力创意角色扮演——这款学龄前儿童学习玩具包含 2 个乐高®得宝®人偶:奶奶和孩子,以及 2 只蜜蜂和一个蜂箱
- 丰富的玩乐灵感——宝宝可以用洒水壶为植物浇水,拼搭花茎,让花儿生长,还可以收集蜂蜜,然后把罐子装到可以驾驶的卡车上
- 拼搭和重新拼搭式玩具——宝宝可把卡车车厢转变为一张带有长凳的桌子(乐高®得宝®人偶们可以在这里品尝蜂蜜茶),同时培养自己的精细动作技能
- 适合宝宝的礼物——这款教育玩具可作为喜爱动物套装和大自然游戏的学龄前儿童的有趣生日或节日礼物
- 高品质产品——我们对这款乐高®得宝®动物套装内含的积木和组件进行过跌落、加热、挤压、扭曲测试和分析,以确保它们都符合严格的儿童安全标准
- 宝宝教育玩具——乐高®得宝®小镇系列套装有助于学龄前儿童认识周围的世界,培养自我表达能力和精细动作技能
- 尺寸——本套装内含 22 块组件,当排列好准备玩乐时尺寸为:高 12 厘米、宽 44 厘米和深 8 厘米
Toddlers build empathy, care for nature and develop fine motor skills with this LEGO® DUPLO® Town Caring for Bees & Beehives construction toy.
Bring a buzz to playtimes with the LEGO® DUPLO® Caring for Bees & Beehives (10419) kids’ learning toy for ages 2 and up. This nature toy helps toddlers learn how to care for animals and nature and live sustainably.
This hands-on nature toy for kids comes with 2 cute bee figures, a beehive with a honeycomb brick, flower elements and a drivable truck. It teaches preschoolers that when they care for plants, bees get the food they need to make the honey we love to eat.
Toddlers practice fine motor skills as they build the toy flower stems to make them grow. They’ll have hours of role-play fun as they imagine the toy bees feeding on the nectar then returning to the beehive to make honey. This set also comes with 2 LEGO DUPLO figures – preschoolers help them to collect the honey, load it onto the toy truck and drive it to the market.
LEGO DUPLO development toy gifts let preschool kids share fun learning moments with their parents and caregivers.
- Preschool kids’ learning toy – Teach toddlers aged 2 years old and up the importance of looking after nature with LEGO® DUPLO® Town Caring for Bees & Beehives
- Encourages creative role play – This learning toy for preschool kids comes with 2 LEGO® DUPLO® figures, a grandma and child, plus 2 bees and a beehive
- Packed with play starters – Toddlers give the plants a drink with the watering can, build the toy flowers’ stems to make them grow, collect the honey then load the jars onto the drivable truck
- Build-and-rebuild toy – Toddlers hone fine motor skills as they convert the toy truck’s load bed into a table with benches where the LEGO® DUPLO® figures can enjoy some honey-sweetened tea
- Gift idea for toddlers – This educational toy makes a fun birthday or holiday gift for preschool kids who love animal sets and nature play
- A quality product – The bricks and pieces of this LEGO® DUPLO® animal set have been dropped, heated, crushed, twisted and analyzed to ensure they fulfill demanding child safety standards
- Toddler educational toys – LEGO® DUPLO® Town sets help preschoolers make sense of the world they see around them, while developing self-expression and fine motor skills
- Measurements – This 22-piece set measures over 4.5 in. (12 cm) high, 17 in. (44 cm) wide and 3 in. (8 cm) deep when lined up ready to play
养蜂之乐(Caring for Bees & Beehives)属于得宝系列积木套组,整个套组包含 22 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 10419 首发于2024年。