集中精力,拼搭一款经典设计。这款具有收藏价值的乐高®成人套装包含一个逼真的 Polaroid OneStep SX-70 相机拼搭模型 (21345),非常适合作为摄影师和相机爱好者的礼物。
捕捉诸如取景器、色谱、曝光补偿转盘之类的标志性细节,添加带有逼真图案的贴纸,度过美好时光。拼搭一个 Polaroid Time-Zero Supercolor SX-70 Land Film 胶片包,内装 3 张带有影像的“照片”,其中一张是 Polaroid 发明者 Edwin H. Land。可以选择一张照片,把它装进相机,然后按下红色快门按钮,就可以将照片弹出,就像真的相机一样。
可从包装盒和 LEGO Builder 应用程序中找到说明,引导你完成创意拼搭的每一步。这款乐高创意 LEGO Ideas 模型属于精心设计的高品质乐高成人套装系列。无论你热情之所在,总有一个拼搭项目在等待着你。
- 具有收藏价值的乐高®套装,可作为摄影师的有趣怀旧礼物——玩乐这款乐高成人套装,创造经典 Polaroid OneStep SX-70 相机的积木复刻版 (21345)
- 专为相机爱好者准备的摄影礼物——设计功能包括取景器、色谱、曝光补偿转盘、“Polaroid Land Camera” 贴纸,以及 “OneStep” 或 “1000” 贴纸
- 可以拼搭的 Time-Zero Supercolor SX-70 Land Film 胶片包——此包内装 3 张“照片”:Polaroid 发明者 Edwin H. Land、LEGO® House 乐高之家,以及粉丝设计师的妹妹,她为这款作品提供了灵感
- 操作起来就像真实的老式 Polaroid 相机一样——将其中一张“照片”装入相机,然后按下红色快门按钮,弹出照片
- 专为摄影爱好者准备的礼物——既可将这款乐高®成人套装作为自己的奖励,也可将其作为一份生日礼物或惊喜奖励
- 分步式指南——提供图解式手册,其内含本套装粉丝设计师和乐高®设计师的访谈录,以及拼搭说明,可以引导你完成创意拼搭的每一步
- 乐高®粉丝的选择——这款具有收藏价值的成人拼搭套装属于乐高创意 LEGO Ideas 套装系列,其中每款套装都由粉丝设计师创造,乐高粉丝投票选出,并由乐高集团生产
- 充满自豪地展示——此套装内装 516 块组件,包含一个可以拼搭的 Polaroid 相机模型,其尺寸为:高 9 厘米(3.5 英寸)、宽 9 厘米(3.5 英寸)和深 15 厘米(6 英寸)
Sharpen your focus and recreate a design classic. This collectible LEGO® set for adults, featuring a realistic brick-built model of the Polaroid OneStep SX-70 Camera (21345), makes the best gift for photographers and camera-lovers.
Enjoy quality time capturing iconic details such as the viewfinder, Color Spectrum and exposure compensation dial, and add stickers with authentic graphics. Build a Polaroid Time-Zero Supercolor SX-70 Land Film pack containing 3 illustrated ‘photos’, including one of Polaroid inventor Edwin H. Land. Choose a photo, load it into the camera, press the red shutter button and the photo is ejected, just like the real thing.
Find instructions in the box and on the LEGO Builder app to guide you through every step of the mindful, creative building experience. This LEGO Ideas model is part of a carefully curated collection of top-quality LEGO Sets for Adults. Whatever your passion, there is a building project waiting for you.
- Collectible LEGO® set that makes a fun, nostalgic gift for photographers – Create your own brick-built replica of the iconic Polaroid OneStep SX-70 Camera (21345) with this LEGO set for adults
- Photography gift for camera-lovers – Design features include the viewfinder, Color Spectrum, exposure compensation dial, a ‘Polaroid Land Camera’ sticker and choice of ‘OneStep’ or ‘1000’ stickers
- Buildable Time-Zero Supercolor SX-70 Land Film pack – The pack contains 3 illustrated ‘photos’ of Polaroid inventor Edwin H. Land, LEGO® House and the fan designer’s sister who inspired this creation
- Operates like a real vintage Polaroid camera model – Load one of the ‘photos’ into the camera and press the red shutter button to eject it
- Gift idea for photography-lovers – Treat yourself or give this LEGO® set for adults as a birthday gift or surprise treat
- Step-by-step guide – Includes an illustrated booklet featuring interviews with the set’s fan designer and LEGO® designers, plus instructions to guide every step of the creative building experience
- The LEGO® fans’ choice – This collectible building set for adults is one of a diverse range of LEGO Ideas sets, each created by a fan designer, voted for by LEGO fans and produced by the LEGO Group
- Display with pride – The buildable Polaroid camera model in this 516-piece set measures over 9 cm (3.5 in.) high, 9 cm (3.5 in.) wide and 15 cm (6 in.) deep
Polaroid OneStep SX-70 相机(Polaroid OneStep SX-70 Camera)属于Ideas系列积木套组,整个套组包含 516 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 21345 首发于2024年,之后被无牌等国产积木品牌所复刻。