通过这款适合成人的乐高® Icons 西班牙喷泉花园 (10359) 家居和办公室装饰品拼搭套装,进行一个沉浸式项目。可以放松身心,创造每个复杂的细节,重新布置树木、花朵和绿廊,以及移动花园的 4 个角,实现理想的外观。
受这座景观建筑优美环境和多样性的启发,这位世界花园系列的新成员引入了层叠式喷泉、华丽的洗手盆、装饰性地砖小径,以及开花的藤蔓,其装饰着拥有红瓦顶部和白色柱子的绿廊。花园里有一棵开花的葡萄藤、2 棵柏树、一棵红色的天竺葵、白色的矮牵牛、红色的木槿、粉红色的九重葛和万寿菊,还有鸟儿、青蛙和月蛾。
玩乐一系列专为成人设计的乐高拼搭套装(单独出售),探索一处放松休息的空间。LEGO Builder 应用程序为这款乐高花园拼搭套装提供三维数字版拼搭说明。
- 美丽的花园成人拼搭套装——抽出些时间,进行一个正念项目:拼搭和赏玩这款乐高® Icons 西班牙喷泉花园
- 积木盒中都有些什么呢——这款乐高®西班牙喷泉花园设有层叠式喷泉、洗手盆、2 棵柏树、开花的葡萄藤、4 条绿廊和地砖小径,以及月蛾、鸟儿和青蛙玩偶
- 可以重新布置的花园展示品——这款喷泉花园底部的插槽允许你创造不同的展示布局
- 适合园丁的乐高®礼物——这份礼物非常适合园艺、旅行和乐高拼搭爱好者,可用它来庆祝生日或特殊场合
- 家庭和办公室装饰——拼搭这款精美的展示模型,捕捉景观建筑的美丽和多样性,为家或办公室创造一件引人注目的中心饰品
- 三维拼搭说明——借助 LEGO® Builder 应用程序,以前所未有的方式进行拼搭,你可以在其中保存套装,跟踪进度,以及缩放和旋转三维模型
- 欢迎进入放松休息的空间——通过一系列专为成人设计的创意拼搭套装(单独出售),探索一处放松休息的空间
- 尺寸——这款乐高®花园模型内含 1302 块组件,尺寸为:高 15 厘米(6 英寸)、宽 29 厘米(11.5 英寸)和深 19 厘米(7.7 英寸)
Fountain garden building set for adults
Enjoy a mindful project with the LEGO® Icons Fountain Garden (10359) home and office decor building set for adults. Unwind as you create each intricate detail, rearrange the trees, flowers and pergolas and move around all 4 corners of your garden to achieve that perfect look.
Inspired by the beauty and diversity of landscape architecture, this addition to the Gardens of the World collection features a tiered fountain, an ornate lavabo, decorative tiled pathways and flowered vines that adorn white columned pergolas with red-tile roofing. The garden includes a grapevine in bloom, 2 cypress trees, a red geranium, white petunias, red hibiscus, pink bougainvillea and marigolds, plus bird, frog and luna moth animal figures.
Discover a space for relaxation with the wide range of LEGO building sets designed specifically for adults (sold separately). The LEGO Builder app features a 3D digital version of the building instructions included with this LEGO garden construction kit.
- Ornate garden building set for adults – Take time out for a mindful project with the LEGO® Icons Fountain Garden building kit
- What’s in the box – The LEGO® Fountain Garden features a tiered fountain, lavabo, 2 cypress trees, flowering grapevines, 4 pergolas and tiled pathways, plus luna moth, bird and frog figures
- Reconfigurable garden display – Slots in the base of the fountain garden allow you to create different display configurations
- LEGO® gifts for gardeners – Celebrate a birthday or special occasion with this gift for garden enthusiasts and fans of travel and LEGO building
- Home and office decor – Create a striking centrepiece for the home or office with this detailed display model that captures the beauty and diversity of landscape architecture
- 3D building instructions – Get ready to build like never before with the LEGO® Builder app, where you can save sets, track your progress, zoom in and rotate your model in 3D
- Welcome to the zone – Discover a space for relaxation with the inspiring range of creative building sets (sold separately) designed specifically for adults
- Dimensions – This 1,302-piece LEGO® garden model measures over 15 cm (6 in.) high, 29 cm (11.5 in.) wide and 19 cm (7.7 in.) deep
西班牙喷泉花园(Fountain Garden)属于创意百变高手系列积木套组,整个套组包含 1302 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 10359 首发于2024年。