玩乐这款 3 合 1 红色小飞龙 (31145) 动物玩具拼搭套装,6 岁及以上喜欢创意的孩子可进入一个神奇的世界。本套装包含一条友好的飞龙,其拥有大大的眼睛,灵活的手臂、手、飞翼、腿、脚、头和嘴巴,以便孩子们选择如何将其用于探险及之后的展示。
这款乐高® Creator 套装可为孩子们带来一个充满玩乐机会的世界,使用同一套积木就可以拼搭出 3 种不同的动物。他们可以拼搭一条肢体灵活的飞龙,然后将其重新拼搭为一只拥有绚丽羽毛的凤凰,再把它变成一条游鱼,或者创造属于他们自己的乐高动物。
乐高 Creator 3 合 1 系列玩具可作为孩子的很棒礼物,每款玩具都允许他们创造 3 种不同的模型,他们会激动不已地反复拼搭。3 合 1 套装可为孩子们带来一系列能够激发他们兴趣的模型和无尽的快乐,这些模型包括超快的交通工具、神奇的动物和细节丰富的城市场景。
- 一款套装,3 种神奇的动物玩具——使用这款乐高® Creator 红色小飞龙玩具套装中的同一套积木,6 岁及以上的男孩和女孩可以拼搭和重新拼搭 3 种不同的精美模型
- 无尽的玩乐机会——孩子们可以使用 3 种不同的动物表演有趣的故事:让飞龙飞行,使用凤凰模型进行更多高空探险,以及让鱼儿遨游水中
- 肢体灵活的动物玩偶——每个模型都拥有灵活的肢体:飞龙可以活动它的手臂、手、飞翼、腿、脚、头和嘴巴,凤凰可以扇动它的翅膀,鱼儿可以活动它的鳍
- 展示模型——玩乐结束后,孩子们可将所有 3 种乐高®动物模型独立展示在他们的卧室中
- 专为孩子准备的礼物——这款 3 合 1 玩具可以为小拼搭师带来乐趣十足的拼搭和玩乐体验,适合作为一份意料之外的奖励或新年礼物
- 更多 3 合 1 乐趣——可通过乐高® Creator 系列的其它套装(单独出售)获取更多 3 合 1 乐趣,本系列套装包含神奇的动物、很酷的交通工具和细节丰富的城市场景
- 乐高® Creator 玩具——每款 3 合 1 套装都允许孩子拼搭 3 种不同的模型,它们的设计灵感均源自孩子们的爱好,包括动物、交通工具及细节丰富的城市场景
- 拼搭和玩乐——这款乐高®拼搭套装内含 149 块组件,其中的红色小飞龙玩具高 12 厘米(4.5 英寸)
Creative kids aged 6+ can travel to a magical land for fun-filled stories with this 3in1 Red Dragon (31145) animal toy building set. It features a friendly dragon toy, which has big eyes and posable arms, hands, wings, legs, feet, head and mouth, so kids can choose how to use it for playtime adventures and display afterwards.
This LEGO® Creator set gives kids a world of endless play possibilities with 3 different animal toys to build using the same set of bricks. They can build a posable dragon toy, rebuild it into a phoenix toy with colourful feathers, turn it into a fish toy with posable fins or create their own LEGO animal.
LEGO Creator 3in1 toys make great gifts for kids with 3 different models to create in every box, which kids will be excited to build, rebuild and build again. 3in1 sets keep them happy for countless hours and offer a range of models that appeal to their biggest passions, including superfast vehicles, amazing animals and detailed city scenes.
- 3 magical animal toys in 1 set – Boys and girls aged 6+ can build and rebuild 3 different colorful models with the same set of bricks in this LEGO® Creator Red Dragon toy set
- Endless play possibilities – Kids can enjoy fun stories with 3 different animal toys: flying with a dragon, more sky-high adventures with a phoenix model and swimming with a fish toy
- Posable animal figures – Each model has posable body parts: the dragon can move its arms, hands, wings, legs, feet, head and mouth, the phoenix can move its wings and the fish can move its fins
- Display models – All 3 LEGO® animal models can stand alone to be displayed by kids in their bedrooms after playtime
- Gift for kids – This 3in1 toy provides a fun build-and-play experience for little builders and can be given as an unexpected treat or a Chinese New Year gift
- More 3in1 fun – Expand the 3in1 fun with other sets (sold separately) from the LEGO® Creator range, including amazing animals, cool vehicles and detailed city scenes
- LEGO® Creator toys – Every 3in1 set lets kids build 3 different models inspired by some of their biggest passions, including animals, vehicles and detailed city scenes
- Build and play – This 149-piece LEGO® building set features a buildable red dragon toy standing over 4.5 in. (12 cm) high
红色小飞龙(Red Dragon)属于创意百变3合1系列积木套组,整个套组包含 149 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 31145 首发于2024年。