借助这艘无形之手号星际飞船的乐高®星球大战™星际飞船系列拼搭模型,可以想象着带领一支分离主义舰队,就像《星球大战:西斯的复仇》中的格雷沃斯将军一样。重现系列逼真的细节,像阿纳金·天行者和欧比旺·克诺比降落他们星际战机的机库。连接器积木和夹子甚至允许这艘星际飞船的前半部分与后半部分分离,就像它坠入科洛桑大气层过程中分裂成两半一样。可将你的星球大战飞船放置在可以拼搭的展示架上,其配有一块名牌和一块乐高星球大战 25 周年庆积木。
这款独特的乐高星球大战成人套装可以带来复杂的创意拼搭挑战,而 LEGO Builder 应用程序可令此挑战更加有趣,其允许你在屏幕上缩放和旋转三维模型,以及进行其它操作。
- 拼搭和展示一体式星际飞船模型——玩乐这款无形之手号星际飞船乐高®积木模型,重现《星球大战:西斯的复仇》开场时扣人心弦的星际飞船大战
- 精致逼真的星球大战™交通工具——使用乐高®积木重现无形之手号星际飞船的标志性功能,就像在《星球大战:西斯的复仇》中看到的那样,包括它的主机库
- 专为展示而设计——可以拼搭的展示台配有名牌和乐高®星球大战™ 25 周年庆积木,其专为展示这款无形之手号星际飞船而设计
- 属于乐高®星球大战™星际飞船系列——本套装包含许多标志性星球大战星际飞船的中型拼搭模型,属于收藏系列之一
- 适合星球大战™粉丝和纪念品收藏者的礼物——既可将这款内含 557 块组件的乐高®成人拼搭套装奖励给自己,也可将其作为喜爱《星球大战》的朋友的生日礼物
- 借助应用程序拼搭你的乐高®星球大战™星际飞船——借助 LEGO Builder 应用程序,你可以拼搭三维模型,跟踪进度,将你的所有套装保存在一个地方,甚至可以多人一起拼搭
- 从遥远的银河系到你的家——乐高®星球大战™成人套装非常具有收藏价值,专为像你这样喜欢通过动手玩乐式创意活动放松休息的人士设计
- 拼搭和展示——这款乐高®星球大战™星际飞船尺寸为:高 17 厘米(7 英寸)、长 30 厘米(11.5 英寸)和宽 9 厘米(3.5 英寸)
Imagine leading the Separatist fleet into battle like General Grievous in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith with this LEGO® Star Wars™ Starship Collection buildable model of the Invisible Hand. Recreate authentic details including the hangar where Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi landed in their starfighters. Connector bricks and clips even allow the front half of the starship to be separated from the rear, just as it broke in half during its fiery descent into Coruscant’s atmosphere. Display your Star Wars vehicle on the buildable stand with a nameplate and a LEGO Star Wars 25th anniversary brick.
Part of a collectible series of mid-scale LEGO Star Wars starships, this buildable display model makes a top gift for any Star Wars fan or memorabilia collector.
The complex creative building challenge offered by this unique LEGO Star Wars set for adults can be made even more enjoyable with the LEGO Builder app, which lets you zoom in and rotate your builds on screen in 3D, and more.
- Build-and-display starship model – Relive the thrill of the opening starship battle in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith with this LEGO® brick-built model of the Invisible Hand
- Authentically detailed Star Wars™ vehicle – Use LEGO® bricks to recreate iconic features of the Invisible Hand, as seen in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, including its main hangar
- Made for display – The buildable stand has a nameplate and LEGO® Star Wars™ 25th anniversary brick, and it’s designed to display the Invisible Hand starship
- Part of the LEGO® Star Wars™ Starship Collection – This set is part of a collectible series featuring mid-scale buildable models of iconic Star Wars starships
- Gift for Star Wars™ fans and memorabilia collectors – Treat yourself or give this 557-piece adults’ LEGO® building set as a birthday gift to a friend with a passion for Star Wars
- Build your LEGO® Star Wars™ starship with app guidance – With the LEGO Builder app, you can build in 3D, track your progress, save all your sets in one place and even build together as a team
- From a galaxy far, far away to your home – Collectible LEGO® Star Wars™ sets for adults are designed for people like you who enjoy creative, hands-on activities to unwind
- Build and display – This LEGO® Star Wars™ vehicle measures over 17 cm (7 in.) high, 30 cm (11.5 in.) long and 9 cm (3.5 in.) wide
无形之手号星际飞船(Invisible Hand)属于星球大战系列积木套组,整个套组包含 557 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 75377 首发于2024年。