玩乐这款乐趣十足的摩登豪宅 (31153) 玩家套装,9 岁及以上的男孩和女孩可以探索 3 座不同的乐高®玩具房屋。这栋豪华的 2 层海滨别墅坐落在 2 棵棕榈树的树荫下,设有厨房、客厅、阅览室、卧室、淋浴间、露台,以及扶手椅、吊灯等现代家具。还有一个游泳池,可供孩子们对有趣的故事进行角色扮演。
这款乐高儿童拼搭套装带来了一个充满玩乐机会的世界,使用同一套积木可以拼搭出 3 种不同的房屋模型。孩子们可以拼搭一座摩登豪宅,然后将其重新拼搭为带有热水浴缸室和屋顶露台的 3 层时尚城市建筑,或者拼搭为一座森林小屋。
摩登豪宅和 3 层的城市建筑可从后面进入房间,而森林小屋则拥有可以打开的屋顶。这款房屋玩具套装包含 2 个小人仔,乐高粉丝可以交换他们的服装。可以在 LEGO Builder 应用程序的帮助下拼搭 3 种模型的每一种,获得有趣的数字体验。
- 一款套装,3 种玩具房屋——这款乐高® Creator 摩登豪宅玩具套装允许 9 岁及以上的男孩和女孩使用同一套积木拼搭和重新拼搭 3 种不同的模型房屋
- 无尽的玩乐机会——孩子们可以在 3 种不同的玩具屋中进行故事角色扮演:海滩上的摩登豪宅、带屋顶露台的 3 层时尚城市建筑和森林小屋
- 2 个小人仔——这款模型房屋套装包含 2 个可以互换服装的小人仔角色
- 展示模型——所有 3 种乐高®模型房屋都可以独立展示,可供孩子们摆放在卧室架子或床头柜上
- 专为乐高®粉丝准备的礼物——这款乐高Creator 3 合 1 套装可作为喜欢先拼搭细节丰富的房屋,然后表演乐趣十足的故事的孩子的礼物
- 更多 3 合 1 乐趣——可通过乐高® Creator 系列的其它套装(单独出售)获取更多 3 合 1 乐趣,其中包含交通工具、动物和宇航员
- 乐高® Creator 玩具——每款 3 合 1 套装都能为孩子带来无尽的乐趣,他们可以使用同一套积木拼搭 3 种不同的模型
- 尺寸——这款乐高®拼搭套装内含 939 块组件,其中的摩登豪宅尺寸为:高 20 厘米(8 英寸)、宽 32 厘米(12.5 英寸)和深 18 厘米(7 英寸)
Boys and girls aged 9+ can explore 3 different LEGO® toy houses with this fun-filled Modern House (31153) playset. The luxurious 2-story beach house sits in the shade of 2 palm trees and has a kitchen, living room, reading room, bedroom, shower room, balcony and modern furnishings including an armchair and chandelier. There is also a swimming pool for kids to role-play fun stories.
This LEGO building set for kids offers a world of exciting play possibilities with 3 different house models to build using the same set of bricks. Kids can create a Modern House, rebuild it into a stylish 3-story city building with a hot tub room and rooftop terrace or turn it into a forest cabin.
The Modern House and 3-story city building provide access to the rooms from the back, while the forest cabin has an opening roof. The house playset comes with 2 minifigures, and LEGO fans can swap their outfits. Each of the 3 models can be created with the help of the LEGO Builder app for a fun digital experience.
- 3 toy houses in 1 set for kids – LEGO® Creator Modern House playset lets boys and girls aged 9+ build and rebuild 3 different detailed model houses using the same set of bricks
- Endless play possibilities – Kids can role-play stories at 3 different toy houses: a modern house at the beach, a stylish 3-story city building with a roof terrace and a forest cabin
- 2 minifigures – The model house kit comes with 2 minifigure characters whose outfits can be swapped
- Display models – All 3 LEGO® modelhouses can stand alone and be displayed by kids on a bedroom shelf or bedside table
- Gifts for LEGO® fans – This LEGO Creator 3in1 set can be given as a gift for kids who love building detailed houses before staging fun-filled stories
- More 3in1 fun – Expand the 3in1 fun with other sets (sold separately) from the LEGO® Creator range, including vehicles, animals and astronauts
- LEGO® Creator toys – Every 3in1 set lets kids enjoy countless hours of fun as they build 3 different models using the same set of bricks
- Measurements – 939-piece LEGO® building set features a Modern House measuring over 8 in. (20 cm) high, 12.5 in. (32 cm) wide and 7 in. (18 cm) deep
摩登豪宅(Modern House)属于创意百变3合1系列积木套组,整个套组包含 939 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 31153 首发于2024年。