这款乐高®方头仔 ǀ 迪士尼和皮克斯乐乐、忧忧和慌慌 (40749) 是专为 10 岁及以上粉丝准备的超棒拼搭玩具,可用它来为孩子和影迷们带来快乐。这款拼搭套装源自迪士尼和皮克斯的《头脑特工队 2》,允许孩子们重现 3 个主角(乐乐、忧忧和慌慌)的方头仔版。拼搭一完成,孩子们就可以使用这些色彩多样的拼搭人偶对电影场景进行角色扮演,或者将它们自豪地展示在自己的卧室中。
- 《头脑特工队 2》拼搭玩具——这款乐高®方头仔 ǀ 迪士尼和皮克斯乐乐、忧忧和慌慌拼搭套装源自迪士尼和皮克斯的《头脑特工队 2》,允许 10 岁及以上的孩子拼搭他们喜爱的电影角色
- 忠实于电影的色彩——这些积木拼搭的人偶采用明亮的蓝色、黄色和橙色色调,让《头脑特工队 2》的粉丝们一眼就能认出它们
- 玩乐和展示——孩子们可以使用这些积木拼搭的人偶来对他们喜爱的电影场景进行角色扮演,或者将它们自豪地展示在自己的卧室中
- 更多角色可供收集——这些积木拼搭的人偶可与乐高®方头仔系列(单独出售)的其它套装一起玩乐或展示,其中包括更多皮克斯角色
- 适合男孩和女孩的礼物——这款拼搭套装可作为孩子、皮克斯成人粉丝和电影爱好者的很棒礼物
- 尺寸——本套装内含 300 块组件,其中乐乐高 9 厘米(3.5 英寸),慌慌高 8 厘米(3 英寸),忧忧高 6 厘米(2 英寸)
Delight kids and movie fans with LEGO® BrickHeadz™ | Disney and Pixar Joy, Sadness \u0026 Anxiety (40749), which are awesome construction toys for fans aged 10 and up. Based on Disney and Pixar’s Inside Out 2, this building set lets kids create BrickHeadz versions of 3 hero characters: Joy, Sadness \u0026 Anxiety. Once complete, kids can use the colorful brick-built figures to role-play scenes from the movie or display them proudly in their bedrooms.
- Buildable Inside Out toys – Based on Disney and Pixar’s Inside Out 2, the LEGO® BrickHeadz™ | Disney and Pixar Joy, Sadness \u0026 Anxiety construction set lets kids aged 10+ build beloved movie characters
- Faithful colors – The brick-built figures come in shades of bright blue, yellow and orange, making them instantly recognizable to Inside Out 2 fans
- Play and display – Kids can use the brick-built figures to role-play their favorite movie scenes, or display them proudly in their bedrooms
- More to collect – The brick-built figures can be played or displayed with other sets in the LEGO® BrickHeadz™ range (sold separately), which includes more Pixar characters
- Gift ideas for boys and girls – This building set is a gift for kids, adult Pixar fans and movie-lovers
- Measurements – The set includes 300 pieces and Joy stands over 3.5 in. (9 cm) tall, Anxiety stands over 3 in. (8 cm) tall and Sadness stands over 2 in. (6 cm) tall
头脑特工队2:乐乐、忧忧和慌慌(Joy, Sadness & Anxiety)属于方头仔系列积木套组,整个套组包含 300 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 40749 首发于2024年。