这款恐龙任务:探索剑龙 (76965) 套装可作为一份很酷的礼物,充满角色扮演乐趣,可为 6 岁及以上的粉丝们带来创意恐龙冒险。拼搭好这款乐高®侏罗纪世界恐龙玩具套装后,孩子们可以利用注塑的剑龙玩偶(拥有可以活动的腿)、小迅猛龙玩偶以及小人仔本和森美,创造无尽的故事。本套装包含一棵设有瞭望台的树、2 个可拆离的部分,以及一辆越野车,其拥有双小人仔驾驶室、可拆离式车顶、可以打开的后部和多个存储位置(可存放故事灵感启发组件)。还包含一辆可以连接的小型拖车,其装备有卫星天线、显微镜、屏幕等物品。
LEGO Builder 应用程序将会带领年轻的恐龙爱好者踏上直观的拼搭冒险之旅,让他们缩放和旋转三维模型,保存套装,以及跟踪进度。本套装还可作为一份经济实惠、趣味十足的《侏罗纪世界》礼物,非常适合喜爱动物、冒险和恐龙的孩子。
- 剑龙玩具套装——可将这款细节丰富的恐龙任务:探索剑龙套装奖励给 6 岁及以上的恐龙爱好者,其旨在满足孩子对冒险玩具、动物和有趣故事的热情
- 创意冒险玩具——包含一条注塑的乐高®剑龙(腿可以活动)、一条小迅猛龙,以及小人仔本和森美,可以激发角色扮演和故事灵感
- 细节丰富,可带来许多故事灵感——这款细节丰富的侏罗纪世界恐龙玩具包含一棵设有瞭望台的树、2 个可拆离的部分,以及一辆越野车,其拥有双小人仔驾驶室、可以打开的后部和一辆拖车
- 适合 6 岁及以上孩子的乐高®套装——本套装可作为男孩或女孩的有趣生日礼物或经济实惠的节日礼物,能够满足孩子对侏罗纪世界恐龙玩具和动物冒险的喜爱之情
- 全新的拼搭方式——LEGO® Builder 应用程序可以引导孩子们踏上直观的拼搭探险之旅。他们可以在拼搭过程中保存套装,跟踪进度,以及缩放和旋转三维模型
- 提高创造力——乐高®侏罗纪世界套装有助于激发孩子对恐龙玩具、动物、冒险和大自然的喜爱之情,帮助他们提高创造力,培养讲故事技能
- 尺寸——这款内装 420 块组件的套装包含一个剑龙玩具,其尺寸为:高 11 厘米(4 英寸)、长 22 厘米(8.5 英寸)和宽 5 厘米(2 英寸)
Fun LEGO® Jurassic World toy dinosaur adventure playset
Creative dinosaur adventures await fans aged 6+ in this Dinosaur Missions: Stegosaurus Discovery (76965) set, a cool present full of role-play fun. After building the LEGO® Jurassic World dinosaur playset, kids get to create endless stories using the moulded Stegosaurus toy figure with movable legs, a small Velociraptor toy figure and Ben and Sammy minifigures. There’s also a tree with a lookout and 2 detachable sections, plus an off-road vehicle with a 2-minifigure cab, removable roof, opening back, movable bed and multiple storage areas for small story starter elements. Also included is a small connectable trailer with a movable satellite dish, microscope and screens, plus much more.
The LEGO Builder app will guide young dinosaur fans on an intuitive building adventure, letting them zoom in and rotate models in 3D, save sets and track progress. The set also makes a fun Jurassic World affordable gift idea and is a great choice for kids who are into animals, adventures and dinosaurs.
- Stegosaurus toy set – Treat dinosaur fans aged 6 and over with this detailed Dinosaur Missions: Stegosaurus Discovery set, made to meet kids’ passions for adventure toys, animals and fun stories
- Creative adventure toy – Features a moulded LEGO® Stegosaurus with movable legs, a small Velociraptor figure and Ben and Sammy minifigures to spark role play and stories
- Details for stories – The detailed Jurassic World dinosaur toy includes a tree with a lookout stand and 2 detachable sections, plus an off-roader with a 2-minifigure cab, an opening back and a trailer
- LEGO® set for ages 6+ – Fulfil any kid’s passion for Jurassic World dinosaur toys and animal adventures with a set that makes a fun birthday present or affordable Christmas gift for boys or girls
- A new way to build – The LEGO® Builder app guides kids on an intuitive building adventure, letting them save sets, track their progress, zoom in and rotate models in 3D while they build
- Boost creativity – LEGO® Jurassic World sets help encourage a kid’s love of dinosaur toys, animals, adventures and nature, letting them expand their creativity and develop their storytelling skills
- Dimensions – This 420-piece set includes a Stegosaurus toy figure that measures over 11 cm (4 in.) high, 22 cm (8.5 in.) long and 5 cm (2 in.) wide
恐龙任务:探索剑龙(Dinosaur Missions: Stegosaurus Discovery)属于侏罗纪世界系列积木套组,整个套组包含 420 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 76965 首发于2024年。