这款银河系太空套装包含机甲、飞行摩托和星际飞船玩具套装,可以将孩子们的玩乐送入轨道。这款乐高®城市组太空探险家套装 (60441) 专为 6 岁及以上的孩子准备,一个包装盒,3 套乐高城市组太空系列拼搭套装:
太空机甲 (60428)
这款套装内装 140 块组件,包含一个铰接式玩具机甲,可用于探索新世界,还有星球场景、能量水晶、宇航员小人仔和小型机器人。
星际飞船 (60430)
这款套装内装 240 块组件,包含一艘带有折叠式主推进器的单座宇宙飞船玩具,可供进行闪电般的太空旅行,以及一个宇航员小人仔和一架可变形为太空喷气背包的无人机。
太空飞行摩托 (30663)
这款套装内装 46 块组件,包含一辆未来派太空飞行摩托,可用于探索崎岖的行星地形,还有一个宇航员小人仔和 2 颗玩具太空水晶。
- 1 个包装盒,3 件乐高®城市组太空玩具套装——这款乐高®城市组太空探险家套装专为 6 岁及以上的孩子准备,其中包含机甲玩具、飞行摩托和星际飞船玩具套装。可以借助它,为未来派太空探险做好准备
- 这款乐高®城市组玩具套装包含哪些内容?——可以玩乐太空机甲 (60428)、星际飞船 (60430) 和太空飞行摩托 (30663) 玩具套装,进行星际冒险
- 具有有趣功能的太空玩具——包括一个带有驾驶员座椅及锤子和手爪工具臂的铰接式机甲、一艘带有折叠式主推进器的宇宙飞船,以及一辆太空飞行摩托,可供进行创意玩乐
- 纸质版和数字拼搭指南——借助 LEGO® Builder 应用程序,将您的太空爱好者带上乐趣十足的拼搭探险之旅。此应用程序允许孩子们在拼搭过程中从不同角度查看他们的模型
- 适合小宇航员的太空礼物——可将这个乐高®城市组太空玩具套装组合作为 6 岁及以上孩子和太空爱好者的节日礼物或任何日子的奖励
- 开放式玩乐——乐高®城市组太空玩具套装包含逼真的交通工具、细节丰富的建筑和具有启发性的角色,可将想象的世界与现实世界融合在一起,供你尽情进行创意玩乐
- 尺寸——这款乐高®城市组多包装玩具套装内含 426 块组件,其中的机甲高 10 厘米(4 英寸),玩具宇宙飞船长 22 厘米(8.5 英寸)和宽 17 厘米(6.5 英寸)
Launch kids’ play into orbit with this galactic space bundle of mech toy, hoverbike and spaceship playsets. The 6+ LEGO® City Space Explorers Pack (60441) features 3 cosmic LEGO City building sets in 1 box:
Space Construction Mech (60428)A 140-piece set featuring an articulated toy mech suit for exploring new worlds, plus a planet scene, energy crystal elements, a space crew minifigure and a small robot construction figure.
Interstellar Spaceship (60430)A 240-piece set, featuring a single-seat spaceship toy with foldout main thrusters for lightning-fast space travel, plus a space crew minifigure and a drone that converts into a space jetpack.
Space Hoverbike (30663)This 46-piece set features a futuristic space hoverbike for exploring rugged planet terrain, plus a space crew minifigure and 2 toy space crystals.
This space-themed multipack comes with realistic vehicles, detailed structures and inspiring characters that merge fantasy and reality for imaginative play without limits.
- 3 LEGO® City space playsets in 1 box – Set the scene for futuristic space adventures with LEGO City Space Explorers Pack for ages 6+, including individual mech toy, hoverbike and spaceship playsets
- What’s in this LEGO® City playset bundle? – Blast off for intergalactic adventures with the Construction Mech (60428), Interstellar Spaceship (60430) and Space Hoverbike (30663) playsets
- Space toys with fun functions – Includes an articulated mech suit with a pilot seat and hammer and claw tool arms, a spaceship with foldout main thrusters and a space hoverbike for imaginative play
- Printed and digital construction guides – Take your space enthusiast on a fun building adventure with the LEGO® Builder app, which lets kids view their models from all angles as they build
- A space gift for budding astronauts – Give this LEGO® City space playset bundle as a holiday gift or any-day treat for kids and space enthusiasts aged 6 and up
- Open-ended play – LEGO® City space playsets come with realistic vehicles, detailed structures and inspiring characters that merge fantasy and reality for imaginative play without limits
- Dimensions – The mech suit in this 426-piece LEGO® City multipack playset bundle stands over 4 in. (10 cm) tall, while the toy spaceship measures over 8.5 in. (22 cm) long and 6.5 in. (17 cm) wide
太空探险家套装(Space Explorers Pack)属于太空系列积木套组,整个套组包含 426 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 60441 首发于2024年。