赏玩这款乐高® Icons 英伦街角成人模型拼搭套装 (10350),体验古色古香的韵味和气息。拼搭这款赏心悦目的乐高街景系列新品的每一个复杂细节,放松身心。
内容和特征包含 3 面砖木风格的外墙,配以各式窗户,还有外部楼梯,陡斜的红色屋顶,屋顶上有乡村特色的烟囱。内部细节包括一家设有柜台、凳子和桌子的餐厅;一家装饰有帽子和雨伞的杂货商店;一间钟表匠工作室,展示有床头钟和落地摆钟;以及一套舒适的阁楼公寓。这款家庭和办公室装饰品套装包含 8 个小人仔,其模块化设计允许你重新布置房间模块,带来无尽的展示方式和故事灵感。
探索一系列富有启发性的乐高成人创意拼搭套装。LEGO Builder 应用程序为这款具有收藏价值的套装提供 3D 版拼搭说明。
- 英伦风格的拼搭套装——通过这个乐高® Icons 英伦街角成人拼搭项目,探索都铎风格的建筑和设计的永恒魅力
- 积木盒中都有些什么呢——这款成人拼搭套装包含拼搭英伦街角模型所需的一切,以及 8 个激动人心的小人仔,其中包括厨师和烟囱清扫工
- 细节丰富的拼搭套装——内部细节包括餐厅、杂货商店、钟表匠工作室和阁楼公寓
- 家庭和办公室装饰——拼搭这款细节丰富的展示模型,为家、办公室或任何其他空间增添一件赏心悦目的中心饰品
- 富有创意的乐高®礼物——这份礼物专为历史爱好者和乐高拼搭套装成人粉丝准备,可用来庆祝生日或特殊场合
- 三维拼搭说明——借助 LEGO® Builder 应用程序,以前所未有的方式进行拼搭,你可以在其中保存套装,跟踪进度,以及缩放和旋转三维模型
- 属于乐高®街景系列——通过一系列专为成人设计的乐高拼搭套装(单独出售),探索一处放松休息的空间
- 尺寸——这款拼搭套装内含 3266 块组件,其中的英伦街角建筑尺寸为:高 31 厘米(12 英寸)、宽 26 厘米(10 英寸)和深 25 厘米(10 英寸)
LEGO® Icons Tudor Corner model building set for adults
Step into the nostalgic charm of a bygone era with the LEGO® Icons Tudor Corner model building kit for adults (10350). Unwind as you craft each intricate detail of this captivating addition to the LEGO Modular Buildings Collection.
Features include 3 brick-and-timber-style facades complemented by a variety of windows, an exterior staircase and a steeply pitched red roof with rustic chimney stacks. Interior details include a restaurant with a counter, stools and a table; a haberdasher’s adorned with hats and umbrellas; a clockmaker’s workshop with bedside and grandfather clocks; and a snug attic flat. This home office decor set includes 8 minifigure characters and its modular design allows you to rearrange room sections, offering endless possibilities for display and storytelling.
Discover the inspiring range of LEGO creative building set for adults. The LEGO Builder app features a 3D version of the building instructions included with this collectible construction kit.
- Tudor model building kit – Discover the timeless charm of Tudor architecture and design with the LEGO® Icons Tudor Corner building project for adults
- What’s in the box – This building set for adults comes with everything you need to build the Tudor Corner model, plus 8 inspiring minifigures, including a chef and a chimney sweep
- A detailed model building set – Interior details include a restaurant, a haberdasher’s, a clockmaker’s workshop and an attic flat
- Home office decor – Add a captivating centrepiece to the home, office or any other space with this detailed display model
- A creative LEGO® gift – Celebrate a birthday or special occasion with this gift for history-lovers and adult fans of LEGO building sets
- 3D building instructions – Get ready to build like never before with the LEGO® Builder app, where you can save sets, track your progress, zoom in and rotate your model in 3D
- Part of the LEGO® Modular Buildings Collection – Discover a space for relaxation with the inspiring range of LEGO building sets (sold separately) designed specifically for adults
- Dimensions – The Tudor Corner building in this 3,266-piece construction set measures over 31 cm (12 in.) high, 26 cm (10 in.) wide and 25 cm (10 in.) deep
英伦街角(Tudor Corner)属于街景系列积木套组,整个套组包含 3266 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 10350 首发于2025年。