欧克塔岛上热得简直受不了!装上力量强大的火焰水晶翼,摧毁暗影猎人 Umarak 布置的暗影陷阱。用致命的火焰爪阻挡暗影陷阱的猛烈进攻!远古灵兽能否逃脱 ,并被英勇的战士驯服,成为坚不可摧的战斗力量?
Swoop in and launch a fiery attack on the shadow trap hiding in the lava!
Things are getting too hot for comfort on the island of Okoto! Swoop in with powerful fire crystal wings and defeat the shadow trap, released by Umarak the Shadow Hunter. Fend off the shadow trap’s ferocious attack with lethal fiery claws! Will the creature escape and be tamed by the heroic Toa, and unite to create an invincible force?